• Important Call

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My phone rings on my nightstand, pulling me out of my half-asleep state.
The bright light from the screen is almost blinding me in the otherwise dark room. There was only one person who would text me so late.

Bucky's name lights up again and this time I answer.

"Are you okay? It's late."

His voice is a raspy whisper as he answers,

"I just finished my treatment, it took a little longer today."

Almost a whole month has passed in which Bucky spends most of his time recovering in Wakanda.
It has become our ritual that he always calls after he has finished his treatment.
Today's call seems different.

"That's great. How is it going?"

He takes a deep breath and I can hear him lying down in bed.

"I can't stop thinking about you..."

I suck in a breath, his words hitting me like a truck. He's been there for two weeks in a row now but it feels like two years.
I've never missed someone so much.
And since Nat left a few days ago too, without even saying goodbye, I just felt extremely alone.

After a few seconds of silence, he continues.

"What are you wearing right now?"

Looking down at myself I chuckle.

"I'm wearing one of your shirts and some lacy black panties, you?"

"A towel."

I catch my lower lip between my teeth to get rid of my big ass grin on my face. Laying my phone down beside me I slowly let my hands roam over my body.

"What would we be doing if you were here?"

He groans his breath suddenly very rough as he tells me,

"I would kiss you, one of those kisses that gets that breathy moan out of you that I love so much."

I close my eyes as the image flashes in my mind. His soft lips roughly pressed against mine, and the way his tongue glides against mine would be enough to get me wet.

"I would take the towel away from you and run my hands all over you not wanting to wait any longer to feel you inside me."

As if on their own my hands move over my hard nipples, massaging my breasts through the fabric of my shirt.

"Please tell me you are touching yourself right now?"

"I'm so wet for you."

I tease, my right hand finding its way into my panties. Carefully I move two fingers through my wet folds a needy moan slipping free.

"Fuck, I need you so bad."

His breath is ragged so desperate for me that it only turns me on more.

"You would slide inside me so easily I wouldn't even need time to adjust."

I slide two fingers inside me arching my back to grind on my hand.

"Oh Yeah? Tell me what else we would do."

I don't know if I can continue saying the words out loud. The feeling of an orgasm building in my lower abdomen builds up way too fast.

"I would ask you to tie my hands to the bed and with me laying there unable to do anything you slide inside. I would moan so loud everyone would hear."

Pulling my fingers back out I begin to circle my clit.

"I would tell you to do it harder, I want to feel you in every fiber of my body. I won't be able to walk after but that doesn't matter."

Moaning a little too loud I bite my lip, my fingers speeding up on my clit.

"I am imagining it, you would be such a good girl."

His voice and the image of us together are everything I need to find my release. My fingers don't stop until I'm a moaning mess and my hand starts to cramp.

"I would let you do anything to me."

I whisper breathlessly and he suddenly sounds unsatisfied,

"I can't... Fuck, I need to be inside you. I need you so bad Lillith."

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that."

I can't help the tinge of amusement in my voice.

"You must come home to find out if I meant everything I said. But for tonight I'm pretty satisfied, talk to you tomorrow."

Bucky speaks up but I don't hear it cause I already hung up.

Smiling to myself I sit up and walk over to the bathroom where I pull off my shirt to snap a nude of myself in front of the mirror.

Sending it to him I write;

Me: Good night (;

It doesn't take long for him to answer,

Bucky: You are killing me right now.

Pulling on my shirt and some pants after I washed my hands I lay back down in bed.

Me: Sweet dreams darling.

⊹⊶ ⊷⊹ ⊹⊶ ⊷⊹ ⊹⊶ ⊷⊹

I just realized we reached 10K readings on this story.

[ Still rewriting this story (14. Nov 2023) and it's harder than I thought lol. ]

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