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I couldn't recall much after I had called forth upon an Angel to dispel a power hungry monster.

Because I very much had passed out from it, since I hadn't used that power in such a long time.

Even bringing one forth to fight took a lot of energy out of me, I probably looked as bad as I felt.

I couldn't stop thinking about that time I had spent with Raine, every moment felt magical.

Almost surreal, anyway.

My brother was so generous to leave some oranges and water on the bedside table next to mine.

It made coming back after something like this so much easier.

Although I do find it a bit stupid that Caelum would out his powers out that fast.

Now everybody would want to use his powers for their own gain.

There's a reason that water users are so rare, because they end up dead years later down the track.

Due to people abusing them for their powers, it wasn't much different for how Thomas an I were treated in our kingdom.

Even though we were next in line to the throne, they didn't know what to do with twins having immense powers that could be shared.

Everyone was terrified of us, I wouldn't blame them.

At the time, we didn't know how to control our own powers.

We were ticking time bombs as toddlers, one little mishap could cause us to set angels and demons onto everybody.

Even worse, when Thomas was in a bad mood an the world never saw the day.

Or when I was upset I set things on fire by accident.

That's why we twins are the only ones that can calm the other down.

"I wonder what happened to Thomas" I murmur, chewing through an orange slice.

I stood out of the bed, dragging myself out of our room down the corridor.

With a blanket wrapped around me, I was so exhausted.

Everyone appeared to be safe and okay though, it was like earlier didn't even happen.

No one seemed to notice what I'd done though, that did disappoint me a little.

Although it's probably better that they didn't notice.

It was third period already, I really was in no shape to go to class.

But I couldn't afford to fail this years exams or assessments.

Our next class was again Levitating, no one knew how to levitate.

Except our teacher, but he didn't have the power.

He just knew how to train for it apparently.

I was disgruntled over going to this next class, where he would drone on and on about gods and demigods.

We haven't encountered a demigod in such a long time.

The teacher appeared to have met one before, but he refused to tell us how and why they no longer existed.

Everyone pushed and shoved past me to this next class, I was just about to lose the plot with it.

When I heard the world "Calm" from Thomas.

I felt his hand make contact with my skin, I felt this warmth travel, calming me.

I took a deep breath, relieved to see Thomas with me.

"I see you took your bed with you" Thomas whispered with a laugh.

I noted that he was a bit late making it to class.

"What took you so long?" I asked Thomas when he walked into class.

"I'll wait until you've processed the world around you first before we talk about it" Thomas says, as Caelum walks in a few moments later after he does.

"Don't you find it a bit odd how Caelum didn't bother to hide his powers at all" I poked at Thomas a bit with a yawn.

I was still exhausted and it showed.

"I did think about that, but Caelum doesn't listen in on any classes, so then again it makes sense" Thomas pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

I then saw Caelum already asleep at his desk five minutes into the lesson.

"See?" Thomas sighs, rubbing his forehead with a groan.

I now understand why it took Thomas a while.

We had someone who refused to listen or learn, an somebody who'd rather run away than help.

"This is gonna be harder than we thought" I sighed, I didn't have the energy to worry about something like this at the moment.

I tried so hard to listen to our teacher, but he had a knack for droning on for so long over one topic.

I wonder how he isn't bored of his own class yet, I would have fallen asleep by now.

Wyatt had followed Caelums lead an was asleep on his desk too, next to Caelums.

I had to refrain from waking them both up, it's much more satisfying when a teacher tells them off.

"Caelum!" The teacher snaps, whacking his ruler on the desk by his arm. 

It startled Caelum into waking up, Wyatt didn't seem to wake up at all.

I wished for that kind of bliss during sleeping, unfortunately I woke up to every sound.

Even a door opening would wake me up, that's why I have to make sure I am super tired before I go to sleep.

I held out my pointer finger, an whispered 'light'.

A small flame of light zapped at Wyatt's back, which made him jump up in shock.

His eyes darting around, before he turned and looked directly at me with a glare.

"Better not use too much of your powers hun" Wyatt threatened in a low tone, which I was the only one that could seem to hear it.

Everyone else was busy being curious at why an how Wyatt had woken up.

For some reason, his words touched a nerve.

"Why not? it saved your ass earlier" I snapped back, glaring at him back.

He frowned at first, then gave a side smile before slowly turning around in his chair to face the board.

"Who were you talking to Tamsin?" Thomas whispered beside me.

It took a moment to realise people were staring directly me, like I was talking to a ghost.

"You didn't hear Wyatt talk at all?" I asked Thomas in confusion.

"If I did then I'd be going crazy" Thomas answers back, watching me carefully.

He acted like I was going to do something crazy, with the way he was watching me.

"I swore I heard him" I snap at Thomas, I rubbed at my eyes.

Trying to rub the sleep out of them.

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