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(Might as well since I did the NSFW version. :)

A - Affection: Levi is not affectionate to anybody but you, he won't even give Erwin a hug if his life depended on it, and he despises shaking hands. However, he loves how affectionate you are, and returns it every time. He's not a fan of PDA though, but at home affection is fine. He's not one to seek it out from you (besides kisses), but if you initiate it, he follows.

B - Best Friend: If you and Levi had started as friends, he would be very blunt and cold with you in terms of affection, but would always be up to have drinks or play cards together.

C - Cuddles: Again, he is not one to start a cuddle session, but as soon as you cuddle him, he turns into a teddy bear. All he wants is for you to be comfortable and is happy that he makes you feel safe to the point of cuddling.

D - Domestic: Levi would love to settle down someday, but his workaholic attitude can get in the way. Although he sees his life mission to save people, maybe in his older age he would love to escape and settle down. He is obviously a god at cleaning, and knows how to cook enough to get by.

E - Ending: He would rather get eaten than leave you, you're all he has and he loves you with his whole heart.

F - Fiancé: Marriage scares him because he will feel even more responsible for any harm that comes to you, which isn't a deterrent for eventually marrying, just a worry of his. He wants to take his time and enjoy life with you without worrying about a marriage, though it is in the back of his mind (later on).

G - Gentle: Towards literally everybody else, Levi is very harsh, both physically and emotionally. However his soft spot is with you, so he would never be mean or hurt you.

H - Hugs: He loves to hug you from behind to mess with you, but does not often initiate one unless he had a particularly rough day. His hugs are strong yet sincere, he loves to hold you in his arms and would do it forever if he could.

I - I Love You: He did not say "I love you" first, he was worried he would scare you away or somehow jinx himself. However once you said it in your sleepy state, he knew you genuinely loved him and thought he was the one.

J - Jealousy: Levi is insanely jealous. When any of your friends get phsyical in a platonic way (ruffling hair, hugs, affirming hand squeezes) he gets upset. He knows that's just how you are but it makes him very jealous, he sees you as only his. He would never hurt anybody unless they tried to force themselves upon you, so he usually just sticks to hard glares and yelling when needed.

K - Kisses: His kisses are soft and sweet, compared to his demeanor. Like all intimacy, he is too nervous/doesn't want to seem needy to kiss you first, but once you start, he's all over you. He loves to kiss your forehead, top of your head, thighs, and torso. He loves when you kiss his neck, cheeks, and chest.

L - Little Ones: Levi does not hate children, he just tolerates them. He feels very awkward around kids and doesn't know what to do. However if he became a dad, he would make sure he is the best father possible.

M - Mornings: You two often spend mornings with you asleep, and him showering or getting ready. Every so often you share a cup of tea and cuddle, maybe take a bath and (ahem...).

N - Nights: Nights are his time to wind down, so you normally cuddle and fall asleep. Sometimes he will tell you about his day to get it off of his chest. Showers are often taken together to "conserve water." And many nights you find certain "activities" to do.

O - Openness: Levi is very closed in, even to you. That's sadly just how he is. He won't speak about himself much unless provoked. However if you bother him enough about something, he will tell you and explain his past and issues. It is not comfortable for him in the moment, but afterwards he feels better.

P - Patience: He has a fairly short temper with everybody else, but he makes great efforts to be very patient with you (not that you are annoying). He realizes you might be on different paces sometimes, and respects that. However bad jokes are an easy way to make him grumpy.

Q - Quizzes: He is very detail-oriented, and remembers almost everything about you. He knows your favorite color, actor, flowers, and remembers important dates. He would never forget your birthday or anniversary.

R - Remember: His favorite and most valued moment thus far is either your first kiss or when you first said "I love you."

S - Security: It is clear that Levi would do anything to protect you. You're all his and you love it, and he loves to make sure you know it. In terms of you protecting him, he doesn't like it when you physically protect him, he feels it's his job to do that. However he finds it quite sweet when you defend him against people that call him mean, short, or cold-hearted.

T - Try: He is a try-hard when it comes to you, though not in a bad way. He really does love you, and will take you on little dates out to the city, or even at the base. He does his best that he possibly can, in fear he may lose you.

U - Ugly Habits: Some bad habits he has are biting his nails, bottling up emotions, not eating as much as he should, and not sleeping enough. However you care and are there to make sure he stops those habits.

V - Vanity: He knows what he likes to look like, but outside of that it is no concern to him. He mainly just keeps shaven, his hair cut, showered when possible, and smelling good. Otherwise he does not care. ODM indents? no matter. Dark undereyes? no matter. Blood from fighting titans? a little of a matter because he knows you will worry about him.

W - Whole: Now that you've made your way into his life, he would feel empty without you and your love.

X - Xtra: A headcanon of mine is that he is very affectionate when you are on your period. He knows you are in pain and would struggle to initiate cuddles/kisses/hugs, so he happily does it for you. Same goes for when you are sick, he doesn't care if he risks getting sick as well, as long as you feel loved. (Not saying his love is conditional, he does it because you can't like normal.)

Y - Yuck: Obviously it is hard to stay clean when all you do is train and fight titans, but he otherwise hates when somebody never showers (cough cough Hange). He also really gets pissed when all people do is complain and whine out of reason.

Z - Zzz: Levi tends to sleep only under sheets unless you are there. In addition, if he wakes up at night, he normally won't be able to sleep without a cup of his tea, which he will gladly let you sip out of. Thankfully he doesn't snore, he is quiet when sleeping as he is when awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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