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(I'm currently under hard writer's block, so I apologize for no updates recently. Anyways to get my mind working and to entertain my readers, I'll be doing the nsfw abc's for Levi. [These are all headcanons btw.] Enjoy!!)

A - Aftercare: Levi is not the most expressive when it comes to cuddling and the like, however he will make sure you feel safe and comforted. He may feel guilty for any pain inflicted during sex, so any marks or bruises will be tended to. He will clean you up and reassure you that you did amazing, but gets a bit surprised at aftercare being reciprocated.

B - Body part: His favorite body part on his body are his hands. He is proud of how far they have gotten him and how much work they have completed. The calluses can get annoying but it does not bother him. His favorite body part on your body has got to be your ass or thighs. He loves to grab and grip anything possible, especially that squishy flesh.

C - Cum: He is very healthy and drinks tons of water and eats well; basically the taste is not bothersome at all. In terms of quantity, it's not overwhelming, but enough to be impressed. In addition, he loves to see you covered in it after doing his job.

D - Dirty secret: He secretly jerks off in the shower to the thought of you whenever you are gone for a while. His imagination is surprisingly vast when it comes to thinking of you.

E - Experience: Levi has had sexual partners in the past, moreso one night stands. He never felt any type of romantic longing for the girls, just needed a way to release stress. (Once he found you however, that all changed.) Needless to say, he is pretty experienced, and focuses exactly on what you need and want.

F - Favorite position: Missionary with your legs on his shoulders makes him weak. He loves to see your face and reactions while in the act, while also having access to your thighs and ass.

G - Goofy: It shouldn't really need to be said, but he is all serious during sex, getting right to the point. He is perfectly alright with your jokes though, and will make sure you are comfortable before continuing on.

H - Hair: He keeps himself neatly trimmed, close to the skin. However he is just fine with clean shaving if preferred.

I - Intimacy: As much of a lustful man he is in bed, he is equally intimate. He finally has somebody to love and cherish, so he will make sure you know that. Nothing makes him happier more than to please you physically and emotionally.

J - Jacking off: He does not masturbate often, he can find it a waste of time on the occasion. When it does happen though, he does it in the shower (he likes cleanliness, at least alone) and takes his time. He only does it when he's on his last straw and can't stand to ache over you any longer, it really only happens when you haven't seen each other for a while.

K - Kinks: He's a sucker for things associated with the term "kitten," ie. ears, tail plugs, collars, and obviously calling you kitten. He also very much enjoys the idea of tugging you back from behind with a leash. He loves watching you get messy: drool, cum, liquids, messy hair, anything of the sort; it proves how desperate you are for him. Being vocal in bed drives him nuts, he wants to hear all the moans, sighs, name calling, etc. He also loves to degrade and praise you all at once: "good little slut," "my whore," the list goes on.

L - Location: He prefers to do everything in his office, bedroom, or shower. That way it is like your own private world, he wants you all to himself.

M - Motivation: What really gets him going is to see you wearing lipstick or mascara, that way when you two are done, he can see the tears and smudged makeup from being sloppy. Also, seeing you wrapped up in a towel coming out of the shower does wonders for him.

N - No's: He would never outright degrade or severely harm you, even if you are into it. He feels that his job is to protect you and make you happy, not to hurt you. Super public sex is also off the list; people could see you, so he could get in trouble, and also he wouldn't want anybody to see your body like he does.

O - Oral: Getting blowjobs from you is amazing for him, but he feels its like a prep for sex. You will almost never suck him off without progressing into something more. In terms of giving oral to you, he loves it. He is skilled with his tongue, and often brings fingers into play as well.

P - Pace: He likes to start out slow and steady, working his way up to going fast and hard. He has good self control for the most part, so slowing down is always an option if needed. His priority is never to put you in pain.

Q - Quickies: He does not enjoy quickies. He prefers to savor his time with you and make sure every second counts.

R - Risk: Risk in terms of sight is almost out of the question, like I've said, he doesn't want anybody to see your body like how he does. The one exception would be to have you sucking his dick from under his desk during a meeting or conversation with somebody else. He likes that you are almost completely hidden, and he plays a game with himself to see how well he can hide his pleasure. However, he loves to let you be loud, so that if others hear you, they know you're all his. Similarly, giving you hickies turns him on extremely, especially the ones that are almost out of sight. This would be like hickies at the collar of your shirt, one can see them if they look close enough.

S - Stamina: He can go as many rounds as needed, though if he finishes, he might need a few minutes to figuratively "reload." However, he can push you through multiple orgasms while still having self control. If you decide one round is enough, that's fine with him. If you want to go on for hours, he's game.

T - Toys: He prefers to use only what's on his body, but adding vibrators into the mix is an option he enjoys. He does get jealous easily, so he isn't a big fan of using toys on his or your own, he wants to be the only one to make you feel good.

U - Unfair: Some days he wants to get straight to the point, others, he will tease you with no end. He knows he is dominant and will use that against you, making you hold an orgasm until told, or only giving you one finger when using his hands. Hearing you beg drives him crazy, he will tease you forever just to hear you beg for him, often not giving you what you want until it is spelled out embarassingly.

V - Volume: He is loud by no means, he prefers to express himself by physical language (how hard he grips, pulling you closer, kissing you roughly). His volume is limited to deep groans and curses under his breath, just enough so you can hear him.

W - Wild card: One of my headcanons is that he is extremely into overstimulation. A fantasy of his is to tie/bind you up, and use his hands/mouth/or specifically a vibrator to make you beg for his cock. Hearing you beg and whine and tear up over how needy you are for his cock or an orgasm makes his lust multiply tenfold.

X - X-ray: He very clearly has a toned body with abs, firm pecs, and an amazing ass. His dick size reaches around 7" inches with a slight upward curve. Like mentioned in other chapters, his muscular thighs have permanent indents from the ODM gear, which he has no shame over. He finds it cute when you trace over them with your fingers.

Z - Zzz: Levi is very much an insufferable insomniac. The only thing to knock him out is alcohol and good sex. Each night however, no matter how tired and worn out he may be, he makes sure you are sound asleep and comfy above all else.

(Lmao, reading back on this, did I mention he's possessive??? :p )

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