No Objections

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~Your POV (2 days after the last chapter)~

It has been a few days since Levi took you in after the incident. Nights have been long and pretty restless for you, and nightmares riddle your mind. However, things have started to subside.

Hopefully Levi nor any other captains will ask you to start back with the usual training though. Your body aches each movement you make, but your mind is more at ease.

~Levi's POV~

I step into my office, coming back from a meeting with Hange and Erwin. With their advice, we have agreed that y/n should be okay to return to her own dormitory as of today.

"Y/n?" I call out and open my bedroom door. I see her come out of my bathroom, dressed after taking a shower. I'm glad to see she can now do it on her own, however her wounds have not healed yet. "Yes?" She asks and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I think it would be best for you to go back to your own room. You seem fine enough on your own." I say and stay standing in my doorway.

~Your POV~

Your heart sinks a bit after hearing what he has to say. It is the truth, but you have enjoyed his company and help. "Ok captain." You nod slowly and get up, going to gather your stuff. You begin to pack your things back into your bag of necessities.

~Levi's POV~

My eyes follow her as she walks across my room, still wearing the sweatpants I gave her a few days ago. I decide not to bother her about them, her cuts still run the risk of bleeding, and it would be bad on the uniform's white pants.

"I don't want you starting training until next week. It's still too early, and you can decide if you're ready by then. Till then, you may help me in advising new trainees." My voice is steady, though I will miss coming back to my room to see her beautiful sleeping face.

~Your POV~

"Okay. Are there going to be any expeditions soon?" You ask, not wanting to miss any actions. "Yes, we will be going on a scouting mission in 4 days, to assess the titans with Hange. She wants more to test on after what happened to Sawney and Bean. However, that 'we' will not be including you. I can't run the risk of you getting injured or killed in your condition."

You grit your teeth together, knowing that it'll be hell to miss your first mission as a part of the Levi Squad. "But sir, I can't just miss an opportunity like this. It'll be-" You trail on, before he stops your train of thoughts.

"No objections cadet." He snarls. He only refers to you as cadet around others, or when he's upset or serious. "Yes Levi." You sigh and hoist your bag onto your bruised shoulder. "Tomorrow we start to train at 8 am. Be there."

You nod and leave his bedroom, him stepping aside a bit for you to go. "Thanks for the chocolates." You smile slightly and exit his office door.

~Levi's POV~

I know missing out on the mission is upsetting, but I can't lose her. "Y-you're welcome..." I start to say, but before she can hear, she's already gone. "Maybe I can include her on scout meetings till the mission day. I hope it will cheer her up, at least somewhat." I think to myself and brush any dust off my clean pants. Time to plan.

~Your POV~

It's around lunch time, so you quickly toss your bag into your room, and run to the mess hall. You hear your table being noisy, as per usual. As soon as one gets an eye on you, you swear you could hear a pin drop. "Y/N!!!!" They all shout and beckon you over. You sit, ad they all crowd around you, giving you hugs and kind words.

"We all really missed you, y/n." You hear Mikasa say, still sat down across from you. You smile sweetly at her and give your friends big hugs. After all the commotion dies down, they sit and ask how you are.

"So y/n, how was staying with Leviiiiiiiiiii?" Conny smirks, knowing to keep the conversation lighthearted. "It was fine." Your face turns pink as Christa walks over to you all, overhearing the conversation. "I think she has a crush on him..." She whispers, like it was a huge secret.

"I do not!" You pout, trying to defend yourself as your table giggles. "Besides, that's Captain Cold Heart you're talking about."

"Not so true if he wanted you in his room for a few days." Jean winks playfully. Eventually, the chatter dies down and Armin leans in close to ask you a question. "Are you doing better, y/n?..." He whispers. You squeeze his hand in response, acting as a yes. His face lightens and you all finish your lunch.

~Time skip to nighttime.~

You are laying in your bed, looking up at the ceiling in boredom. Sasha is already snoring, keeping you up. A small knock is heard from the other side of your door. You stand and go answer it, wondering who could want you at this hour.

"Hange?" You whisper in confusion as you see the glare of her crooked glasses. She tugs you out into the hallway quietly. "I have a question." She says with a hint of excitement. "Yes?" You respond, slightly annoyed. "Do you like Levi?"

"Oh my god, why does everybody keep asking?! No!" You whisper-yell at her, though your embarassed body language says otherwise. "No reason." She giggles mischeviously. "Is that all you wanted to ask me...?" You grumble and look her in her eyes. "No, Levi told me you won't be coming on the mission. Sooooooo..... I think when we get back, I'd let you help me run some experiments on any titans we catch. Just a little girl time alone!" She cheers and claps her hands silently. "Fine. But I better get to do some fun stuff with them. No boring experiments if I'm not even allowed to go." You say and point a finger at her. "Swell." She says and walks away, leaving you hanging.

No matter. You walk back into your room and try your hardest to sleep, though your roomate sounds like a roaring train.

(Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring, transitions are a bit hard for me.)

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