Experiments and Planning

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~Your POV~

   "Hnngh... 7:30 already..?" You groan and check your watch after waking up. You can tell it's going to be one of those slow days, at least for you. Rays of sun shine through the small, rectangular window. At least the weather seems nice for once.

   You get dressed into the usual uniform, leaving the body straps off since you won't be doing training today. "Hange is always awake. I suppose I should go see her now." You think and put your hair up messily.

   After all of your morning care was done, you leave your room quietly and head down to the end of headquarters, where Hange's experiment rooms are. You lay a few loud knocks on the large wooden door, which soon opens, revealing dirty glasses and Hange's even dirtier face behind it. "Well hello." You laugh as she lets you in. "I want to help with the titans today. Do they have names?" You ask the skinny scientist before you.

   "Nope! I was waiting for you." A grin spreads across her face. "Hmm... both males... let's see." You mumble and sit on a messy table to think. Hange runs around the room, doing God knows what while you sit.

   "Got it! The big one will be Falkor, and the jumpy one, Atreyu!" You smile proudly. "Not what I would go with, but okay." She shrugs, unimpressed. "No need to be sooooo rude, captain. If my memory is correct, you did name a titan 'Bean.' " You giggle and shove her shoulder playfully.

   "Touché." She says, a small smile forming, honoring her defeat.

(I'm naming the titans after my ferrets lol [which are named after Neverending Story characters]. Here they are :)

 Here they are :)

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~Hange's POV~

   "Moving on, today will just be some planning for future tests on the 2. I would like to focus on Atreyu, the abnormal." I say and sit on a bench, observing my caged babies. "Sounds good to me. Maybe if we figure out how that one jumps, we can unlock a bunch of secrets about abnormals!" Y/n pipes up, clearly excited to conduct research with me.

   "That's really all I can do for them today. I'm going to run some basic tests on them like the last 2, but it will be pretty boring. Go see your friends, you all should be making plans for Halloween soon." I wink and smirk.

~Your POV~

   "Oh shit! That's like... a week away!" You think, getting mad at yourself for not remembering. "Ok Hange, thank you so much!" You say enthusiastically and run to meet your friends at the mess hall. However, before you could get there, you run into something stiff, knocking you back.

   "Ow..." You mumble, suddenly feeling yourself being helped up by your wrists. "Watch where you are going, y/n." A familiar voice says sternly. Levi.

   "I'm so sorry captain! I was just in a rush to see my friends." You apologize quickly and go red in embarassment. "I expect you in my office tonight at 8:30. Ignorance does not go unnoticed." He says quietly into your ear, making you feel some way which you haven't before.

   "Y-yes Captain Levi." You stutter and then walk carefully to the mess hall, thinking about his gritty voice and all the ways it turns you on.

~In the Mess Hall~

   You finally get to the cafeteria, meeting all of your friends at the usual table. "Guys... we all forgot Halloween is next week!" You frown and sit down.

   "Damn y/n, you're right!" Conny groans and smacked his head in a 'I should have remembered' way. The rest of your friends mutter 'ah shit!' and 'damn', similar to Conny.

   "Well, I thought we could plan to wear costumes! Maybe run it by Erwin and Hange, I'm sure they won't care." You suggest happily and wait for responses. "Great idea!" Armin shouts and looks around.

   "ONLY if I can be the Joker though." Jean stands up proudly and winks. "And Mikasa shall be my Harley Quinn." He leans down towards the aforementioned girl and winks once more, in a grossly seductive way. "Absolutely not. I will not be dressing up." She moves back in disgust, earning a chuckle from the rest.

   "Anyways..." You sigh, "I thought we could dress up, have a little party, drink, and play some games." Your voice is giddy, knowing that if this works out, it will be the most fun you all have had in a few years. "We can make a list of costumes, so we can gather them up." Everybody agreed, and you set on writing down each one.

(Just for the sake of this Halloween plot, I will include pop culture references as costume ideas. These are headcanons of what I think each character would dress as. I think they fit well lol.)

1. Jean - Joker
2. Mikasa - None
3. Armin - Pirate
4. Conny - Power Ranger
5. Christa - Princess
6. Ymir - Knight
7. Sasha - Jessie (Toy Story)
8. Eren - Frankenstein
9. Berthold - Mummy
10. Reiner - Terminator
11. Y/n - Cat

   "All done! Now I'll go talk to Hange and Erwin and start to plan!" You smile and stand up, taking the list with you. You jog over to the 'Captain's Table' and find Hange, Erwin, and Levi seated.

    "Soo..... hello captains." A hint of want in your voice shows, and Erwin chuckles. "What do you need, y/n?" He asks and glances down at the paper clutched in your hand. "I was thinking, maybe we could have a little Halloween party...? It would only be for the night and we could resume training the next day. Please? We have already planned our costumes." Your lips form into a pout and your eyes widen into puppy eyes.

   "And what does this party entail, cadet?" Levi butts in, asking with an irritated voice. "We wanted to dress up, have a small party, and play some typical games like bobbing for apples." You try your best to make the offer agreeable, omitting the part about drinking. Before Levi could respond, Hange squealed in delight.

   "OOOOF COURSE!!! I wanna dress up and have fun! Please guys?" She looks to her comrades with the same begging face. "Fine. But I expect nobody to be hungover, training will be happening the next day." Levi states, catching on to your thoughts. "Yes!!" You and Hange high five.

   "Write my costume down as uhhh.... Black Widow. Erwin will be Thor, and Levi will be Ant Man. Obviously." She giggled at the last part, making Erwin laugh as well. "Fine, I suppose I can be Thor." He smiles and writes down both of their costumes on the list.

   "I never agreed to participating." Levi said harshly, turning away to go to his office. "What a buzzkill. Well, we can still have fun without him." Hange smiles softly to console you.

   "I'll see to it that time is set off for this party of yours." Erwin smiles as well and hands you the paper back.

   "Time to go meet with Levi... again." You think to yourself and head down the all too familiar hallway.

(Sorry for not updating. I really don't have an excuse other than forgetting about this and with college starting. I hope you guys enjoy and I will try to update more regularly. I promise the Halloween chapters will bring lemons in 😏.)



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