Expedition Day

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(Brief mention of sexual violence)

~Your POV (time skip to the day of the scout mission)~

   The last few days of training along Levi have gone smoothly, although many of the new cadets are not very coordinated. It was like watching a bunch of newborn baby deer with anger issues trying to fight eachother. On a different note, you and Levi make a very good team. Shaping the trainees up will just take time.

   You return to your boring old room, after Commander Erwin got the team riled up for today's mission. It's painful to see so much excitement when you can't even join in. However, you just hope everybody leaving will make it back safe and unharmed. "Might as well train myself while they are gone. Throwing knives won't hurt me." You think and make sure to go later.

~Levi's POV~

   My team is prepared for the mission, and I've even got my own task for afterwards. I secretly took the drawings of the 2 men out of y/n's book. I'll deliver them to the military police in that town and then return to headquarters.

~Time skip to when the team is outside of the walls~

   Our squadron has separated into 4 groups. Armin, Ymir, Sasha, Annie and I are on Team 1. Hange, Conny, Reiner, and Jean are on Team 2. Erwin, Berthold, Mikasa, and Christa are on Team 3. Finally, Eren is on his own for Team 4, since he has finally mastered his titan powers.

   Eren goes down the middle path while my team follows a ways behind him. Team 2 is on the left arc, while Team 3 is on the right.

   ([For this story.] Green flare: titan spotted. Yellow flare: titan killed. Red flare: assistance needed. Black flare: mission over.)

   "Captain!" Ymir shouts. "Green flares in both directions!" She continues and our team looks to see green clouds of smoke erupt. "Good, keep heading towards the middle." I say and let out a loud "Hyah!" for my horse. Our pace picks up as we ride.

   We encounter 2 of the 4 meter class titans. I hook onto a tree closeby, slicing both in the nape of their necks. As Armin fires the yellow smoke, 2 yellow flares come from our right, and 1 to the left. "When black smoke fires from Team 2's side, we make way to help Hange take her titans home." I announce and move forward.

~Time skip an hour and 45 minutes ahead~

    Catching up to Eren, I see him surrounded by 7 and 8 meter titans. We ride ahead of him, catching glimpses behind us as he finishes them off. Green and yellow particles litter the grey sky, and our mission seems to be a success so far. That was, until I see a red flare come from Hange's arc.

   "FOLLOW THROUGH!" I shout to my team as we head towards her side. "Sir! It's Conny!" Armin yells in fear, seeing him desperately trying to move around an 11 meter titan, which is swatting and grasping at him. "That boy is a fucking dumbass." I think to myself and use my  ODM gear to latch onto the titan's left shoulder. Right as the ugly son of a bitch grabs my cadet, I swing around to it's right shoulder, severing its nape.

   I look over to find Hange and her team too busy wrangling a 9 meter titan and an abnormal 3 meter jumping titan. I send Conny back to his members, and my own follow me to assist Hange.

   "Cadets! Help Captain Hange return back to Headquarters!" My voice booms, accompanied by the squealing of a black flare. "As for you,... cadet... you'll be cleaning the mess hall after all 3 meals for a week." I growl and grip Conny's nearly-bald head. He manages to squeak out a "Yes Captain Levi!" and I nod silently, going back to my horse.

~Back in the town where it all happened~

   I knock on Nile's door at the largest Military Police station within the walls. "What!" I hear him snap from the other side of the door. I enter his office and his face relaxes. "It's just you, old friend. What do you need now?" He laughs and stands to meet me.

   I shove the two drawings into his chest and look him dead in the eye. "If anybody sees these 2 men, make sure they are arrested immediately." I say with a more serious tone than ever. "What, did they spit on your shiny little shoes?" He mocks while he looks at them.

   "They stripped, cut, and almost r*ped my cadet before I caught them."

   The color drains from his face and he nods silently. "I'm sorry Levi, I'll see to it immediately." He quickly calls in another police personell as I leave to go back 'home.' Before I do so, I make a quick stop at a little shop in town.

~Your POV~

   Levi hasn't come back in an hour, yet all the others were back by now. "What the hell could he be doing." You think out loud. You throw the knives at the practice mannequins as a distraction, making accurate head or chest shots with each swift toss. However, all the throwing is making your dominant shoulder very sore. You decide to finish off the last 5 knives.

   "Decent aim." A familiar voice says from behind you. "You motherfucker." You turn, holding the last knife with the point a few inches from his face. "Excuse me?" He says coldly and knocks the knife from your hand before you know it. "Where the hell were you this last hour? You didn't even say goodbye when I left a few days ago, and now you've had me worried sick for the past 60 minutes, thinking a titan hurt you!" You shout at his face, not with anger, but extreme worry.

   "It doesn't concern you. Just know that you're safe now. I took care of some things." He says and steps back calmly. "Some things? Which are?" You ask, with less heat in your voice. "Things for you, y/n..." He sighs in exhaustion, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Oh..." You think and put your hands to your side. "He's out doing things, for me?" You think once more and sigh as well. "I'm sorry Levi, I just have issues overthinking, I thought you got injured or worse."

   "It's okay. But what's not okay is yelling at your captain. You'll be cleaning my office tonight instead of assisting Hange. Be there at 7:30." He says and walks inside. "That bastard, taking me away from my fun." You grumble to yourself and pick the knife up from the grass. You walk inside, trowing the knife hard behind you. Perfect shot to the heart.

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