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~Levi's POV~

I jolt awake, hearing my name being called. It's y/n. I rush into my room and find her whimpering, squirming in pain, and whispering my name. "Just a dream." I sigh to myself and sit next to her. My arms lift her by her armpits and I sit her up, causing her to wake. "Levi! The- the man was back and he t.. touched me." She cries and buries her face into my shirt. I sit up against my headboard, playing with her hair as she cries. "You don't need to cry. Those men are far, far away and are too scared to come back." I say and pull her closer.

"C-can you stay in here with me tonight? I'm scared I might have another nightmare." Her small voice pleads, and I give in. "Sure, y/n." I slide under the blankets, assuming she would let go of me and go to her own side of the bed. "Are you gonna be sleeping on me?" I ask curiously. "If that's okay..." She says, embarassed, starting to move off of me.

I stay silent but pull her back, letting her lay on my chest. "I'm starting to fall for her even more..." I think and wrap an arm around her back. I lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes. "...but I have no problem with that. I just can't let myself get too outward with it." I continue my previous thought. And with that, she's asleep. My turn now.

(Time skip to 7 am)

I wake up, it's a Saturday, so nobody is training. I'm gonna go find her best friend, so she can say hi.

I leave y/n in my room, and go to retrieve Armin. He can relay that she's okay to the rest of them.

~Armin's POV~

I sit in the mess hall, eating breakfast with the rest. The energy is gone, after what happened to y/n. We all miss her and hope she's okay. "Dude." Eren nudges me, seeing Captain Levi standing behind me. "Come on, brat." He commands and I quickly follow him, looking back at Eren with a confused face.

He takes me to his office and sits me down. "Sir?-" I start but am interrupted. "Don't ask. And don't overreact, she's in a lot of pain." I nod, understanding what he means.

About 10 minutes later, y/n steps into the captain's office, rubbing her eyes. "Y/n!" I smile and stand up, going to give her a big, but gentle hug. "Armin..." she smiles faintly and hugs me back. "I worried about you guys." She states and rests her head on my shoulder. "You worried about us?" I tease and offer her my chair. She sits, and I see the severity of her wounds. "God, I'm so sorry..." I frown and kiss the top of her head.

Levi shoots a look at me from across his desk. I retaliate and sit on the floor next to y/n's chair. "Will she be okay?" I ask him, gaining a nod in response. "She just needs time to heal, physically and emotionally." I smile sadly and stand up. "You can tell the others I'm okay." She smiles up at me, her eyes red from crying. I doubt her, but I go nonetheless. "Am I dismissed, Captain Levi?" I ask him. "Yes." He responds and I leave.

I run to the mess hall, sitting back down with my friends. "So?" Jean asks impatiently. "She's alive and well." I smile, hiding that I saw her in such a state. They all sigh in relief, just glad she's alright. "She will need time to heal inside and out. Those guys got her bad with their knives and words. Apparently Levi and Erwin got to her just before anything more could happen." I say in a serious tone. None of us got to see her very well, so there's no clue what went down.

~Levi's POV~

"I hope you slept well. You're gonna need to rest for a few days. The nurse said you don't need stitches, but you were still bleeding pretty bad." I say and get up, sitting on my desk, facing y/n. "And if my help ever gets bothersome or upsetting to you, please let me know. The last thing I want to do right now is hurt you in any way." I say and fold my hands together. "I'll let you know." She smiles.

"Now, I suggest you go to your room and pack a bag with some of your necessities and clothes. You'll be staying in my room for a few days so I can keep an eye on you." I stand and organize my papers.

~Your POV~

"...Dressed like this?" You ask quietly, looking down to see that your bottoms are just boxers. "Oh right, you can wear my sweats for the time being." He rubs the back of his neck and slides his sweats off. "Well... that was unexpected." You think as you stare at his toned thighs, permanent indents crossed over his legs from the ODM gear. He pays no mind to where your gaze landed and hands you the baggy black sweats. You slip them on and leave, going to your room.

Sasha is laying on the bed, chowing down on a baked potato. She jumps up and hugs you tightly with a squeal. "Ow.. ow!" You squirm with a small smile. "Sorry!" She quickly apologizes. "I've just missed you so much! I'm so sorry y/n, but I'm here for you if you ever need me." She smiles back once she let go. "Thank you, Sasha. I'm just grabbing a bag to pack some stuff. I'm staying with... the nurse so I can heal." You lie, knowing she would make a big deal out of you staying with Levi. "Good to hear! I'll expect to see you in a few days then!" She winks and sits back down.

You pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, and any other hygiene things you would need. Along with that, you bring a few comfy outfits, a journal, a pen, and your chocolates. Your roomate spies the chocolate and pouts. "Hey! How come you hid that from me?!" She frowns, making you giggle. "Because I know how much you love food. Now, here, I'll see you later." You say and hand her a chocolate. She immediately scarfs it down as you leave, going back to your captain's room.

He had already changed back into the usual uniform, making you miss his legs. No matter, you set your duffel bag on top of a dresser in his bedroom. "I've got some meetings to attend to. I'll be back tonight." He leaves and you sigh, knowing you'll be alone for a good 5 hours or so. This leaves you time to draw in the journal you brought. You had always been good at drawing faces. You start with Sasha, moving onto Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and the rest of your scout group. "Pretty good!" You think to yourself, glad you could get your mind on something other than the obvious. You do Hange and Erwin next, even struggling to draw Pyxis with his bald head. Lastly, you do Levi, making sure to put the most effort into that one. It would be nice to show him, but you know it would be awkward. You decide to keep it to yourself.

As an extra step of precaution, you draw the two men from the day before. Maybe if you do, then you can show the military police stationed in the city. However, before you can finish the snake man, you pass out from exhaustion.

Levi's Petजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें