"well, I'm glad you like them. I'm going to get you a matching pair." I said to him and intertwined our fingers.

We hopped in his shiny car and took a quiet drive down the street.

"so, you all sorted for Aly's party tomorrow? You need me to get anything for you?" Carter asked, and looked at me briefly when he stopped at a red light.

"I'm good. I got my dress steamed today. I also got my nails done, do you like them?" I asked, and put my nails in front of the dashboard. He broke his concentration on the road and pulled my hand to look at my nails.

He ran his thumb across them and smiled."they're beautiful, try not to scratch yourself." he said, and I smiled.

The lights on the streets shone into the car as Carter pulled over near the display. I didn't want to get off, because I was in bunny slippers and I just wanted to enjoy his company.

He took my hand in his and opened the roof of the car. The air was brisk for a second, then it warmed up.

He tilted his seat back and I did too, and we gazed at the stars. We sat there in silence, and if I'm being honest any words would've ruined the moment.

The New York skyline was full of stars tonight. It was a beautiful sight and I wished that Axle was looking up at them, or at anything that would give him some sort of happiness. I worried that he would've gotten excessively drunk that night, but I didn't give myself that much power over him.

As we gazed into the sky, things felt right with Carter. And I enjoyed his company. I realized him and I could work. And I wanted it to. Not because I wanted a distraction or just to throw my attention onto someone else, I believed Carter was right for me. A safe choice. It didn't matter that there was no instant attraction or spark, that may develop over time. He's a good man, I'd be making the right decision.

But what do you do when you don't want to make the safe choice? You ignore the moody, grumpy, rough mouthed person on your mind, and focus on the one who dropped whatever he was doing to take you on a date to look at the stars.

I looked over at him and saw his stunning blue eyes focused on the sky.

"tell me what you're thinking about." I asked him.

He hesitated for a second. "nothing. Just enjoying the view. And you?" he said, and never looked down from the sky.

"nothing. Just trying to think of some names of stars to impress you." I said and he smiled. Showing off his dimple in his chiseled cheek.

"I know jack shit about stars. You could tell me one is named Pete and I'll believe you." he said and I laughed.

The air brushed both of us and we began to gaze at each other.

"you're beautiful Katerina Hayes. Have I told you that?" he asked and ran his hand through my hair and smiled gently at me.

"you always do. Thank you Carter." I said and put my hand over his as it was in my hair.

I never felt it. I'll never feel that way again. This didn't come close. But it was a start.

"tell me, what would you have done tonight if I hadn't picked you up?" he asked and placed his hand on the seat, taking mine with him.

"well I would've just sat and watched vampire diaries until it was too late and I had bad dreams." I said.

"ah, vampire diaries. An excellent show really, though I was team Stefan all the way." he said and I clenched my teeth as hard as possible.

"I definitely would like to argue with you on that one, but I don't want to ruin tonight." I said and smiled at him.

I was doing what Elena would've done at first. Chose the good one. But a part of me is living and dying with Axle Kingston. My very own Damon Salvatore, we just wouldn't get our happy ending. And besides, it's not like I had a choice anyway, so Elena and I weren't really in similar situations.

He smiled at me. "well, if I marry you, one day we can have it all out. I don't mind getting in a vampire diaries related argument." he said.

"hm, divorce isn't on the cards for us. You might not want to take that risk." I said, as gently as I could.

He just laughed and waved it off.

As the night went on, and the air got colder, Carter closed to roof of the car and began to drive me home. It was already 10pm and I really enjoyed my night with him.

He never crossed my mind. Not for very long anyway.

Carter said goodbye to me, but again never walked me to my door. I don't understand why he doesn't, and I was told by my father and brother that it doesn't show respect on his part but I overlooked it. My papa and Lo were just old fashioned.

I made my way upstairs, slipped out of my dress and put on a pink oversized shirt and shorts that disappeared underneath it.

I plugged my phone into the charger and saw 2 texts from Aly

'hi Ms Hayes.'
'i can't wait to see you tomorrow. Look as hot as possible, Carter isn't the only catch out there ;)'

I smiled at the texts and replied.

'well hello blushing bride, I can't wait to see you either. Don't forget, emerald goes with silver. Love ya :)'

I set my alarm for 9am, the party was starting at 6 and I had to run to the mall to pick up the gift I ordered for Aly. It was a vintage record of Taylor Swift's 22 that I needed to fetch. It reminded me of the night she slept over. And it reminded me of what it felt like to have a sister.

I rested my head on the pillow, not knowing our entire world would be flipped upside down in a matter of hours.

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