Chapter 19

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"Finally you showed up too.  do you know how many hours my important guests waited for you earlier? Luckily that Nancy is just good and kind person."

"Nancy? Nancy Mcdonie?."

"Yes. Nancy Mcdonie will be your leading lady in your next project."

"Sorry but I will decline that project.  I can't be busy right now.  my girlfriend needs me, and I am willing to give her all my time.  sorry Pdnim but I will reject that project first, besides it's been less than two months since the release of my movie with Eunwoo.  You still make money because of that movie to this until this day."

"What? How do you decline that project offer?  I already give my yes and approval with Nancy's management, and Nancy wants to work with you.  Tzuyu listen to me, This project will be a bit hit again. I already agree with the other management and fans are already looking forward to the new movie project you're going to do, So please Don't embarrass me."

"But Pdnim, Sana is sick.  can you hear me  my girlfriend is sick and she needs me.  Is money really the only thing that matters to you?  I'm sorry but I won't accept that project. I'll go back to making a movie when my girlfriend is okay.  That movie project can wait, and I know my fans are also willing to wait fans for me and know if they will understand if I take a break first."

"What did you say?  No!  you will not rest, you have to accept this movie project Tzuyu.  I do not accept Not so, Sign this contract." Pdnim said as he open the while folder.

Tzuyu smile in disbelief. "Pdnim, If you don't understand me, just give this movie project to someone else.  I won't replace my girlfriend for the movie project you want, My girlfriend's life is at stake here and I want to be with her every time, I don't care if everyone now knows that I'm taken already well that's better and I can finally breath, because I don't have to hide.  pdnim, I will not sign that contract."

After Tzuyu say those words she left..


Meanwhile, Mina is currently in the studio because she will gonna film a new segment for hee upcoming comeback, she was currently waiting for her manager for a briefing when she was suddenly surprised when Chaeyoung suddenly entered the studio.


"C-Chaeyoung ~ ah.."

Chaeyoung show her sweetest smile as she walks closer to Mina.

"Y-You're here."

"I just arrived yesterday. How are you?."

"I'm good. I'm still busy as usual."

"I see..."

"So, How's your grandmother???."

"She's doing good. I'm glad that she's still healthy.."

"That's good to hear.."

"Did you receive the flower???."

Mina suddenly blush when she hear the flowers that Chaeyoung gave to her.

"Y-Yeah. Thank you.."

"Sorry I didn't tell you that I won't be coming in for a few days that time.  actually I really meant not to tell you."

"What do you mean? Why you didn't tell me?"

"I'm hoping that you might look for me when you don't see me, that you might think of me too.  I don't know if it works?"

"I missed you."

Chaeyoung's ears perked when she hear those words from Mina. She couldn't believe what she heard so she looked at Mina.

"What did you just say again?."

"I said I missed you, I think your plan works."

"R-Really???." Chaeyoung's face suddenly light up. "For real??? You miss me????."

"Don't ask me again, you've heard it."

"Why you missed me???."

"I don't know? I just feel  empty when I didn't be able to see you.."

"You didn't hang out with Dahyun Unnie?."


"You didn't??? Why???."

"She's busy and I don't want to bother Dahyun."

Chaeyoung smile. "We can hang out together. Is that okay? I mean, No pressure. I'm just wondering if you might agree? Don't worry, I'm fun to be with. I'm funnier than Dahyun Unnie,  it's just not obvious."

This time Mina smile because of Chaeyoung's cuteness. "I will agree if you will gonna treat me Chaeyoung ~ ah.."

"Really? Of course! ^^ .."

"Kiyowo 😊.." Mina mumble.

"I'm cute???? 🤭.."

"Huh? I didn't say that."

Chayeoung pout when Mina denied it but still she's happy.


Sana is currently at the Company.  She just finished her meeting with her executive.  She was now on her way back to her office when she noticed that her employees are seems like having a commotion...

"What is happening????." Sana asked one of her staff.

"Ma'am, Tzuyu, the beautiful and famous actress, is downstairs.  Your employees are just happy because they don't expect Ms. Chou to come here." The staff said while giggling.



When Sana arrived at her office she immediately open her monitor and looks for Tzuyu.

Sana witness how her employees gone wild, while Tzuyu was busy signing and taking selfies with those people asking to take a photo with her.

"Daebak..." Sana mumbled.

After 15 minutes Tzuyu finally arrived at Sana's office. The moment she enter she saw Sana busy reviewing the new designs of clothes.

"Hi, Love.." Tzuyu smile as she walks closer to Sana.

"You really went here without wearing any  mask, cap and shades." Sana said.


"No doubt, my employees gone wild while they saw you earlier."

"Yeah, they're a bit scary but it's fine ~ ^^.."

"Why did you  show up here? do you know that you will be the headline in the news again?."

"I know, and I don't care. I don't want to hide anymore and I want to bring you on a date in public."


"I don't care about my career. What matters is you." Tzuyu said as she walks closer at the couch. Sana stood up from her seat and approached Tzuyu.  When she walks closer to her, Tzuyu suddenly pulled Sana's hand to her causing Sana to sit on her lap.


"How's your feeling???."

"I'm good, my heart was just beating fast."

"What?." Tzuyu worriedly asked, and this make Sana smile.

"It's your fault."


"I always feel this way whenever I'm with you.  The feeling that your heart rate is always up and then it's like there are butterflies playing in your tummy, that's what I always feel."

"I'm fluttered hearing those words from you.  don't worry I will take the responsibility."

"You have never failed to make me smile." Sana sweetly said as she gently wrapped her amrs to Tzuyu's nape. "You are always my strength, so thank you." She added as she slowly lean her forehead to the latter.

Tzuyu smile. "I love you Sana ❤️.."

"I love you too (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤..."


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