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Carla sighed as she finished yet another season of Friends. She didn't realize being on house arrest was so annoying. She couldn't even do anything. The girl got a text from the group chat from Bette saying she found something but couldn't come over since they had class and rehearsals.

"Ms Carla. You have a visitor." Martha said to the girl.

"Oh. Who?"

"Some boy named Oren." Carla sighed when she heard the boy's name. What was he doing here? "Should I bring him in?"

"Yeah. Thanks Martha."

A minute later, the boy walked into the living room. "Hey."


This was the first time they were talking to each other after their break up.

"How are you?"


"Good. good. Um... I don't know what to say."

"You can start by what you're doing here?"

Oren nodded. "Yeah right. Um... I don't know that either. I guess I just wanted to see you."

"To see me?"

"Yeah see how you're holding up. I know you've been dealing with a lot and I can't even imagine how rough it is for you right now but I just wanted to know if you were ok."

Carla nodded. "Thanks but I think we both know you don't care about me anymore so stop acting like you do."

Oren shook his head. "That's not true."


"What happened Carls, I was an idiot. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kept that secret from you. I shouldn't have taken her side. I know I messed up ok big time and I can't get your betrayed face out of my head but you have to believe me when I tell you I love you. And I still love and I never meant to hurt you. You're my everything. And without you, I don't know how I can live. Josie got in my head saying these nasty stuff about you and I guess it got to me. I felt like I waan't good enough for you I never will be."

"I don't care if you don't think you're good enough for me that's my decision to make and I know you're good enough for me."

Oren shook his head. "I can't even do a proper founttee."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it coming back. I guess I was trying to blame everyone other than myself for it.  You were so busy and nothing was going my way and I just felt like I was suffocating and nobody was helping me. I guess it was my fault too since I kept hanging out with Josie instead of you but I don't like her. And she probably stole your choreography because why would you lie about that. I was so blinded by everything to even notice her last minute choreography. I'm sorry. I'll spend months, years, my entire life trying to make it up to you. Because for me you're worth it."

Carla listened to the boy's confession. Her heart ached for the boy. She wanted to forgive him, to forget about everything and to just kiss him right now. But she knew she shouldn't. It wasn't the right time.

"Please say something."

Carla didn't realize she hasn't said anything causing the boy to be more nervous. "Ok."


Carla nodded but smiled at the confused boy. "I forgive you because I know you never really intend to do things. You're just overly nice to everyone. And I guess she took it you liked her."

"Which I don't." Oren added.

"I know."

Oren smiled at the girl. "I don't expect you to take me back because I wouldn't take me back either but I would really like it if we're friends. And I'll spend my entire life winning back your trust."

The girl smiled at the boy as they smiled like idiots and stared at each other in comfortable silence. That was until their friends interrupted their sweet moment. 

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