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"You know you're not allowed to do this. Especially since I'm a minor." Carla said to Detective Cruz.

The girl was at a coffee shop near school. She needed time out of the school and the only place she thought of was here. She needed some peace and quiet. A place to process what happened the other day. And a cup of vanilla latte and croissant would do. That was until she was rudely interrupted by Detective Cruz.

"I'm just here to ask some questions."

"Without an adult present. Classy. But ask away." Carla said.

Detective Cruz nodded and took a seat across from her. "People are saying they saw you walk into the studio. The studio where Costa was killed."


"Why were you there?"

"Like I said before, I wasn't in the studio, I just happened to pass by it." Carla said.

"Hm. We both know this would be easier if you just told the truth."

"I am telling the truth. I didn't kill Ramon Costa. I have no reason to."

Detective Cruz shrugged. "Maybe not. But you seemed pretty upset when you didn't get the lead role."

"Most people were."

"It's a clear motive. Look I'm just trying to understand this situation."

"Well if you want to understand the situation, then ask someone else. I told you everything I know about this. I told you where I was. If you need my alibi, I'll give you my alibi."

"No need. I think we're done here." Detective Cruz said, getting up. "Talk later Carla."

Carla watched the lady walk out the coffee shop. What she thought would be a relaxing afternoon, turned into a stressful afternoon. Not only did she have to worry about the Beauty and the Beast auditions tomorrow, but now she was certain she was added on the suspects list.



Sorry I've been MIA lately. I've just been really busy with school and work BUT I'm back and better than ever. 

I'm really excited about what I have in store for this book and can't wait for all you lovely people to read it!! 

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