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"Piqué into fifth. Tombé straight from that attitude, no hesitation." Master Brooks yelled. "Grande Jeté. Check your footing Carla. No Bette too quick. Stay on tempo Cassie." Master Brooks was getting frustrated seeing his best dancers struggle. "Stop."

Master Brooks walked towards the new girl. "Name?"

"Josie Hernandez."

"Are you new?"


"Hm." Master Brooks turns around. "Seems like the new girl knows how to do the basics while everyone else here didn't use the break to their advantage. Keep that up and the only person that will be dancing in the recitals is Ms Hernandez. "

Carla was upset. She didn't see herself doing anything wrong. In fact the new girl didn't even look like she was on beat. But the way she moved, it looked familiar, too familiar it was like she was a copy of someone.

The remainder of the class was the same. Master Brooks was pointing out everyone's mistakes, even Nabil. But yet the only person he didn't criticize was Josie.

"Disappointed. Very disappointed in everyone's performance today. Class dismissed." Master Brooks clapped his hands. "Carla stay back."

Carla sighed and walked towards him. "Yes sir."

"You were terrible."

"I was?"

"Yes. So terrible I literally thought it was Brittny dancing. What is going on?" Master Brooks said.

"I've just been distracted that's all."

"Look I don't want whatever you're dealing with to ruin your chances. You are an amazing dancer. And if you keep doing what you just did now, no one's gonna want to watch you."

Carla nodded. "Yeah."

"So be better ok."

"Yes sir." Carla fist bumped him and walked out the room to see her boyfriend waiting for her.

"You okay?"

"No." Carla shook her head.

"Poor Carla." Josie said, walking to the couple. Carla did not want to hear whatever the new girl had to say. She was already having a bad day, she didn't need this girl to make it worse. "When I heard people saying you were the best female dancer here, I thought I would be amazed. I guess I gotta go buy those people glasses."

"How about I give you a black eye."

"Cute." Josie smirked. "See you around Oren."

Carla really wanted to punch the girl. Even the back of her head was annoying to stare at. She thought she had enough to deal with, now she has to deal with this new girl who has a weird vendetta for her.  And to make matters worse, she was being too friendly with her boyfriend. 

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