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Carla and Zach were on their way to class.

"So how was your date?" Zach asked.

Carla shrugged. "Good?"



"You sure? You didn't seem sure."

Carla sighed. "No it was fun. Yeah it was fun but... he just had to mention Josie and her humble ways."

Zach chuckled. "Damn what a mood killer. Mentioning another girl on a date with your girlfriend, number 1 thing you don't do. Can't believe that boy had more girlfriends than me when he has no sense of direction."

"It's whatever. I'm over it."

Zach sighed, not pressing the matter any more. He knew his cousin had a tendency to not want to think about certain things because it's better if she didn't. She didn't like facing things because she was scared. So instead, she forgets about it. Or at least tries too. Zach knew his cousin better to know she's still thinking about it.

He needed to make sure he talked to Oren about it later.

The two finally made it to the studio but were confused to hear some commotions.

Nabil and Caleb were fighting about something. And it looked like Cassie and June were trying to get involved.

"The truth hurts bro." Caleb said, shrugging his shoulders.

"About what huh?" Nabil said.

"That your a low life little piece of shit who doesn't deserve any of the roles you get. The only reason why Master Brooks gives it to you because he needs diversity in the leads."

Carla's jaw dropped when she heard the boy say that. She didn't realize Caleb thought about his so called friend like that. And what made things weird was that June agreed with him.

"Yeah. You don't belong here. So go back where you came from." June added.

Cassie scoffed. "You're one to talk June. Did you say that to your mom too?"

June shrugged. "At least I'm not the one dating a terrorist."

"What the hell did you just say?" Carla said, getting herself involved.

"You heard her." Caleb said.

"You have less than 5 seconds to get the hell out of here or else you'll be spotting a black eye for weeks." Zach threatened.

Caleb chuckled. "Yeah fucking right. You can't even take me."

Zach walked closer to the boy until they were both chest to chest. "Don't test me bitch."

"Zach it's ok." Nabil said, stopping his friend. "He's not worth it."

"Yeah Zach he's not worth it." Caleb mocked, tring to rail up the boy. It was working. It took everything in Zach to not punch the boy. He was already off with a warning the last time he started a fight with Oren after he found out what he did to his cousin. And now this boy is mocking his friend because of where he's from. If Caleb thinks he could get away with this, he's wrong. If Zach wasn't on edge with Madame Dubios, he would have punched the hell out of the boy.

"You and I both know I can easily take you." Zach said, stepping even closer to the boy. "If I hear what you just said again about Nabil, I swear on everything good in life I will ruin you. Make sure to sleep with the door closed, you never know what could happen if you didn't." Zach warned the boy, bumping his shoulder and walking away.

Nabil followed behind while Cassie and Carla stayed back.

"What happened to you June?" Carla asked, surprised at what just happened.

June shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Not my fault, it's the truth."

Cassie shook her head. "Are you bitter because he rejected you so you have to settle on his asshole of a roommate?"

"Caleb is sweet. He is the nicest person you'll ever meet. He's been there for me when my so called friends weren't."

"I guess I know where we stand."

"I guess so." June said walking away from them.

"What a bitch." Cassie said to her friend.

"No kidding." Carla said, watching June talk to Caleb and a group of dancers that have cheated their way to leading roles but always get caught by Master Brooks.

What the hell just happened? 


Did Caleb and June cross the line?

Hell yeah they did. You all might be upset with this because maybe you liked Caleb or June but well I'm not their biggest fan. SO I'M SORRY 

✔️| 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒏 ─ 𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔Where stories live. Discover now