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you and armin returned to your normal lives after the holidays.

which meant your problems returned. armin was struggling at work, there was stress on him. bills began to pile up. you were still finishing up school, so you couldn't help out much. the jobs that were a possibility were always available during you class times.

the both of you distanced a little, talked less, most of the conversations you had were about work, how each other's day was. you would usually be asleep by the time armin got into bed. he wouldn't have his arm over you like usual, he would actually face the other way.

you didn't think much of it though, it's normal right? couples didn't get all affectionate all the time.

that was until you and armin got into a certain argument. you brought up the fact how you two barely hang out anymore, or don't talk that much. you didn't expect armin to take it so serious, but he did. he said how he was just under pressure, and didn't have time for games at the moment. you specifically remember something he said,

"maybe, if you even try to help out we can hang out more often."

armin knew you tried, but assignments piled up on top of each other. the times available for jobs and your schooling clashed, making it nearly impossible.

"i already told you the situation, armin. do you listen?"

"i don't have the energy for this right now."

you two went back and forth for a good amount of time, before you decided to just cool off in your bedroom. the words of armin swirled around in your head, playing on repeat.

after what felt like forever, armin called you into the living room. he was sitting on the couch, his face was tear stained and his hand was in his hair.

you stood in front of him, trying not to show how you were really feeling.

"i think we need to spend some time away from each other, y/n." armin sucked in a breath when he finished the sentence, watching your expression change.

your breath hitched, and your throat went dry "break up?"

"no! of course not. just, a break. we're both stressed, and lash out on each other sometimes. we just need some time alone."

"you really think so?" you asked, you felt the tears starting to fill your eyes, and you saw the tears starting to fill armin's.

he nodded, turning his face away. he hated seeing you like this.

"well where are you going to go?"

"no need to worry." he stood up, kissing you. even though you two were going to give each other 'space' he still left with giving you a kiss. "it's just for a bit."

you nodded, watching armin walk around the apartment, grabbing a few things before walking out the door. he stopped before shutting it behind him,

"not for long. okay? we need this."

you didn't want to agree, even though he was right in a way. both of you guys were stressed and had too much pressure on yourselves. a break was needed.

"i still love you."

you said nothing, and just watched the door shut behind him.

stellar walked over to you on the couch, jumping up and crawling into your lap. you looked out the window, watching the sunset.

tears fell down your face and fell on your hands.

the tears on armin's face fell to his lap and he drove farther and farther from the person he loved the most.


no ideas!?! ANGST!!!

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