11|talk to me

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it was about 12 in the afternoon when you and armin finally got home.

he dropped the bags besides the bedroom door, falling onto the bed. "i'm exhausted."

"it's 12! i'm hungry, should we order something?"

"no! i'll order something, since today's special for you." armin said, using his phone to look for a restaurant to order from.

"come on, you always order way too much!"

"so what? we can have them as leftovers."


from there on, things starts to go downhill. only for a bit. you've been focusing a lot on your study, maybe grown a bit of a temper. armin has got the bad end of that.

stress was getting to you, only a few weeks in. you couldn't imagine what the rest of your years would be like.

"y/n, do you want to rest for a little? you've been working since 12...it's 3 now." he asked, running his hand across your shoulder.

"no thanks, i just need to be alone right now."

"i get that, but you need a break." he kissed your cheek, "been working a lot."

"well i need to. i want to graduate, now please, let me do my stuff." you shrugged him off slightly.

armin sighed, he felt bad for bothering you, but how could he leave you to stress yourself?


"please just leave me alone right now, armin. for once."

he watched as you turned back to your computer. he was caught off guard a bit, but he knew the reason for this was stress, right?

armin just nodded to himself, and went to the kitchen. he started making a snack for you, if you wanted it.

"made you something, if you want it." he said, leaving the snack besides you.

"don't want it."

he spent the rest of the day avoiding you, trying not to set you off anymore or stress you out more.

later in the night, armin was up preparing things for the next day like he always does. he did what he needed to do, all while thinking of you.

when he went into the bedroom, you were in bed already. on your side and it looked like you were still awake.

he laid next to you, in silence for a bit.


no answer.

he sighed,drawing circles on your back with his finger. "talk to me."

you didn't reply, your back still facing away from him.

"okay," he whispered, "goodnight."

just as armin was about to turn back around, you turned. the dark of the room hid your sad expression.

"i've been doing bad armin. i don't know why, i've been getting distracted a lot. i don't know what's going on with me."

armin looked at you for a bit, his hand intertwining with yours. "i can help you. you know. like make sure you don't get distracted, maybe help you study."

"thank you." you leaned against him, "i'm sorry for pushing you away lately. you know, the stress."

armin nodded, "i really can't be mad, i was the same way once. but really, it's okay."

you kissed him, his arm going around you.

"i'll make it up to you." you said, your eyes starting to close.

"y/n, if anything i should be making it up to you. you must be tired, go to sleep."

well, you already were.

armin smiled to himself. even in this dark room, there was a light that was you.


I GOT YOU|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 ➪Where stories live. Discover now