twenty nine

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"We're going back to finish this fight. Prepare the cannons" Six odered as she marched across the deck of the Flying Dutchman and made her way towards the helm.

Once she had regained consciousness, her chest burning but the rest of her feeling fine. She only needed to hear as much as she had taken Davy Jones place and that not a lot of time had passed before she pulled herself to her feet. There wasn't time to take time to think or process what had happened. She had briefly noted the presence of the chest which was closed again as she nearly tripped over it but thoughts about it would have to wait.

The Flying Dutchman turned out to be not very difficult to operate. The moment her hands touched the wheel the ship seemed to know what it needed to do and where it had to go. Quickly the ship fell under the water and just as suddenly it was pushing back out of the water but this time they weren't floating on a plain empty sea but instead back on the fight scene where the maelstrom had disappeared

The Black Pearl and the ship belonging to Beckett were the two ships closest while the other ships from both sides floated off, facing them distantly. Looking towards the Black Pearl Six could just make out a figure that she recognized to be Jack moving across the deck and even from the great distance apart they were she could still read him and get his plan.

Turning the wheel as the Flying Dutchman moved forwards, Six lined her ship up with the Endeavour while the Black Pearl did the same on the other side of the ship.

"Ready the cannons!" Six ordered loudly as they approached the ship.

"Ready the cannons" a few of the men of the Flying Dutchman echoed to the men below deck as Six kept her eyes fixed on the Endeavour.

The Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl had taken either side of the Endeavour and Six could see the panic on the crew's faces as realization hit them.

Glancing momentarily across the Endeavour and towards the Black Pearl, Six cried "Fire!"

"Fire!" the voice of Jack yelled from the Black Pearl a moment later and cannons quickly went off from both ships, hitting the very close Endeavour with strong force.

The cannons struck large damaging holes in the Endeavour. Men from the ship threw themselves over the side of the ship as dust and debris flew through the air. The mast fell with a loud thud that was hidden by the cannons which continued to go off and the deck in areas began to give out as the floors below were hit and impacted by the cannons which didn't even get a chance to slow down through the air because of how close the ships were.

Only one person on the ship seemed to be calm while the crew members all panicked to get off the ship before they were hit by a cannon ball or flying piece of the ship. Watching the ship get destroyed from her stop behind the wheel of the Flying Dutchman, Six noticed a man who she quickly realized was Beckett walking calmly and slowly down the stairs to the helm. He paid no attention to the wood and smoke that filled the air all around him and instead stared straight forwards.

In the distance the other ships that had been there on Becketts side were turning away as the lasts of the Endeavour were destroyed. Cheers began to erupt from the Black Pearl as they noticed the same thing that Six had, they had won.

Smiling softly, Six turned the wheel of the Flying Dutchman so that they would slowly float away from the debris of the Endeavour. Hands still on the wheel, Six leaned forwards on her locked elbows as she finally got a moment for thought. There was a lot for her to think about, a lot had happened in a very short amount of time.

"Captain" said a voice suddenly appearing on the top step of the stairs leading to the helm. Six hummed in response without looking towards the owner of the voice. "This is yers" the voice added and Six finally drew her gaze away from the horizon where she had fixed her eyes and looked towards the man who was holding a chest.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now