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Six rowed the boat towards the island. She was a lot stronger and more experienced of a rower then Will and Jack was the captain and used that to his advantage to get out of rowing, though Six was sure that he really just made her do it because she was his sister and he enjoyed the fact that he could force her to do his work.

"What Code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?" Will asked as the small boat passed over layers of gold coins and jewels that laid on the bottom of the fairly shallow water.

"Pirate's Code. Any man that falls behind, is left behind" Jack responded, his eyes watching the treasures beneath them, clearly tempted to reach down and try to take some, Six would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking the same thing. She was surprised by the fact that Will seemed to take similar interests to the treasures as she and Jack did, though from what she knew he didn't have much money or riches and anything that could make you well off interested anyone, not just pirates.

"No heroes amongst thieves, eh?" Will asked, looking up towards Jack.

"You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates you're well on your way to becoming one" Six said thoughtfully "Sprung two pirates from jail, commandeered a navy ship, visited and sailed out of a pirate town-"

"and you're completely obsessed with treasure" added Jack

"That's not true. I am not obsessed with treasure" said Will, his eyes quickly looking away from the gold at the bottom of the water where they had wandered to again.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate" pointed Jack.

"Aye, sometimes it's a lady who you're absolutely obsessed with to the point you'd join some pirates to rescue 'er" sneared Six.

"I'm not obsessed with her" shot Will.

"You better be or else this trip is pretty pointless for you" Six remarked.

It wasn't long before the boat reached the edge of the water and they stepped out onto the rock ground. Carefully they moved forwards through a narrow path and up towards a large rock that was blocking them from where Barbossa and his crew were.

"Gentlemen, the time has come! Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near at end" they could hear Barbossa saying to his crew, his voice echoing across the cave walls.

Six, Jack and Will all carefully peered around the side of the rock, trying to get an idea of what was on the other side.

"Elizabeth" Will breathed as his eyes landed on the girl being held by members of Barbossa's crew.

"For ten years we've been tested and tried, and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again! Punished, we were. The lot of us - disproportionate to our crimes! Here it is the cursed treasure of Cort's himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned, save for this" Barbossa continued to the crowd of his crew.

Will went to move, unable to continue watching and listening to what was happening. Acting quick, Six grabbed him, pulling him down before he could be seen or heard.

"Not yet" she hissed.

"We wait for the opportune moment" said Jack, making sure to keep his voice low enough to not be heard by anyone but Six and Will.

"When's that? When it's of greatest profit to you?" Will asked.

"May I ask you something? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Do us a favor? I know it's difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid" stated Jack as he looked around the rock again. Six kept a hold on Will for a moment longer before letting him go.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now