twenty four

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After agreeing that they would have to shoot each other later, the next thing they agreed upon was the fact that they needed to get supplies and water if they wanted to survive.

The issue however was that they had no idea where they were. They could only make vague guesses of where they had been when entering the locker so they couldn't even assume that maybe they had exited the locker near where they had entered. There was also the possibility that the days of sailing they had done while in the locker counted for their location outside of it but they had no way of telling if that was the case. All they had to use was the position of the sunrise which didn't help narrow down their location much.

Finally fed up with watching Jack play with his closed compass Six marched towards him and snatched it out of his hand, ignoring as he demanded she give it back Six held it in front of her and opened it. Watching as it pointed towards where Barbossa, Gibbs, Anamaria, Elizabeth and Will were gathered together trying to figure out where they might be on a map that Barbossa had pulled out, Six shook her head gently before holding the comas over her head in the air. "Who here wants to find clean drinking water more than anything in the world?" she asked as her eyes scanned the crewmembers of the deck.

She understood that Jack knew that the compass wouldn't point towards water or supplies for him which was why he hadn't tried to use it but why he hadn't tried to get others to try she wasn't sure. Six didn't know what she wanted most but she knew it probably wasn't water and judging by where the arrow of the compass had pointed she assumed that what she wanted most was Barbossa dead, which made sense to her.

"Stop its mine" Jack whined as he tried to take the compass back but Six simply held it further away from him as she stepped away.

"I guess I do" said Pintel nervously, raising his hand slightly.

"Perfect" responded Six "come over here"

Handing the compass to Pintel Six watched where the arrow pointed before looking towards Jack who had moved to watch over Pintel's shoulder.

"Worth a try" Six shrugged, looking towards Jack for his opinion.

"Set sail for that way" Jack ordered, pointing in the direction that the compass had pointed for Pintel as Six took the compass back and closed it.

It took about half a day of sailing through the open waters before land came into view directly in front of them. It was an island, they could easily see both sides of it and tell that it was a fairly large island that could easily contain a freshwater source on it hidden amongst the many trees and hills that filled the piece of land.

As they began to grow closer to it and the members of the ship realized that they would be going ashore to the island to look for the water they hoped to find, the conversation of who would be going and who would be staying began to happen.

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with the ship" Jack stated to Barbossa as he looked at the nearing island.

"I'll not be leaving my ship in your command" Barbossa shot at him.

"And he'll not be leaving his ship in your command" Will said, rolling his eyes. "Here's an idea. You both go, and leave the ship in my command" he offered "Temporarily"

"I'd say you can both stay here and I'll lead the land trip but I don't trust either of ya not to abandon me." said Six leaning over the railing they stood at.

"You could leave someone like Gibbs for Tia in charge of the ship" Will offered.

"No," Barbossa and Jack said quickly, probably not even listening properly to what Will was suggesting.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now