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As promised, Will did a lot of explaining when morning came.

"But they said they granted you clemency" exclaimed Six as Will told her about what had led him out of Port Royal.

"Norrington and Governor Swann did, not Becket," Will pointed out.

"But on your wedding day?" Six asked, the words stinging slightly as they came out, though she blamed it on the rope that she was roughly pulling as they spoke, apparently the fact that she was on the ship against her will didn't excuse her from helping out around the ship. Of course she didn't mind, she had always enjoyed most tasks around ships and was quickly realizing how much she had missed doing the tasks while she had been living on land in Tortuga.

"Honestly," Will said, dropping his voice, "don't tell Elizabeth this but I was beginning to wonder if I still wanted the wedding to happen."

"Really?" Six asked "thought you were madly in love with her. Wasn't that the whole reason we went on that death trip to rescue 'er? Or was it a different lass kidnapped by pirates that you're madly in love with and would die for"

"I thought I was but as time passed after you and Jack left I began to realize that maybe I wasn't. She's great but important wedding plans started to be made and I was forced into many fancy dinners where I just don't belong. I'm a blacksmith, cleaning up properly for these dinners was never something I could do well enough, I always stood out and I hated every moment of it. Marrying Elizabeth wasn't the life for me but the wedding was too close to cancel it and I couldn't hurt her"

"What about now?" Six asked "What will you do when this is all over?"

Will shrugged "We aren't speaking right now"

"Well that much I've noticed" said Six "why though?"

"I saw her kissing Jack before he-" Will responded, trailing off at the end of his sentence. Six had noted that Will seemed unable to call Jack dead and would instead go silent every time a point in his sentence came to saying it. "I don't think she knows I saw. I'm pretty sure the reason she's avoiding me is because she's afraid to tell me she's in love with him"

Six hummed "The governor's daughter in love with me brother, never thought that would happen"

"Shh" Will hissed at her as he glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to hear what they were saying. No one was paying attention to them, most people having been given their own tasks to do and those who had nothing to do were below desk sleeping or staying out of the overhead sun.

"Sorry, sorry alright, continue yer story" Six laughed. "Can't believe you were in Tortuga and didn't come visit me" she gasped as Will began to tell her about his search for Jack.

"Well I didn't know you were there" Will pointed out "thought you'd be sailing with Jack"

"Nah, me brother wanted rid of me as quickly as possible" Six responded as she leaned against the railing of the ship beside her.

Will chuckled softly as he continued to tell her what had happened after he left Tortuga with a heading of where Jack might be. Six did her best to not interrupt him as the story was very clearly a long one, she couldn't believe how much she had missed in just a few months. She should have known she'd miss alot however, that was just part of the wild life of a pirate.

Will was halfway through explaining how he and the crew had escaped the island of cannibals by climbing a cliff in their bone made cage and how they had had to run across the island in it when Barbossa yelled at the two who had just been standing by the side of the ship to go do tasks on different parts of the ship.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now