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It took two days before the day came for Six and Jacks hanging. They found out the morning of a few hours before it would be happening when their last meal was brought to them much earlier then the meals they had received during the days before. It was the same bread and water they had been eating for days at that point but slightly more bread than usual.

Where they would be hung from wasnt far from the jail. The time between them finding out that that was the day they would be hung and the hanging was spent in silence between the two siblings. Neither of them knew what to say or had anything to say, they were both just silently hoping for a miracle.

When the time came for them to be transported to the gallows five men showed up and joined the one man who had been guarding them since late the previous night. They didn't wait for Six and Jack to take their time getting to their feet once the cell was unlocked and instead four of the six men walked into the cell and pulled Six and Jack to their feet. One person took each side of each of them, leaving the final two men to be the ones with their guns ready in case anything happened.

Jack was led from the cell by the two men who had a hold of either of his arms first and Six and her two men followed closely after them.

Neither dared try anything as they were taken out of the building and down the street. It wasn't worth it, they were surrounded by multiple men who were all armed, two of which had their guns fully prepared to shoot at any moment while Six and Jack were weaponless, had their arms tied and were fairly weak from the low amounts of food they had been fed.

A large crowd was already formed in front of the gallows when they arrived. How people enjoyed watching people be hung Six had no idea. Maybe it was becuase Six was a pirate, the type of person most likely to be hung at the gallows but Six would never willingly watch people be killed at the gallows. It seemed horrible and that was coming from someone who had sunk countless ships in her life and killed many people.

How people like Six were considered the bad people when the 'good' people were so fine with killing them and watching them be killed Six couldn't understand. Just because Six lived her life differently than the average person shouldnt make her a bad person especially since hanging people and watching it happen like a game didn't make the people who lived average lifes bad people. Six was just living her life and getting by. She didn't run around killing people. She didn't want to kill people. She tried to let people survive when possible but if it came to her life or her opponent's life she would choose hers just like any person would do.

Six and Jack were both pushed up onto the box of the gallows and positioned under hanging nooses. In front of them the crowd was watching them and Six quickly tore her eyes away from them choosing instead to look upwards towards the sky as she waited for it to start. She was familiar with how public hangings worked, there would be too much talking before they listed the crimes and finally hung them, ending their lives. Once they were dead the crowd wouldn't take long to disappear and their bodies would be taken care of by the executioner.

"Imagine it being your job to legally kill people" Six mumbled to herself as she watched one of the white clouds in the sky above them. Someone had begun to speak but she wasn't listening to them, maybe if her death happened more unexpectedly it wouldn't be as bad. Would it be bad at all she wondered. She had no idea what being hung to death was like and realizing that made her nervous.

Unlike Jack, Six didn't fear death. Jack refused to admit it because he refused to show weakness like fear but he did, Six knew it. Fearing death wasn't something to be ashamed of, it was one of the most scary things out there because death was the end of it all, no one knew what came after death and that fact was terrifying on its own.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now