twenty five

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Jack was taken aboard the newly arrived ship once it pulled up beside them, leaving the others on the deck of the Pearl being guarded by Seo Feng's men. From the other ship a few men crossed over onto the Pearl and began to spread out across the ship.

Continuing to move her eyes between the many people on the deck, Six watched and tried to piece together everything that was happening and had happened leading up to that moment.

"My men are crew enough" stated Seo Feng as the newly arrived men began to take over different jobs that Seo Feng's men were already doing.

"Company ship, company crew" explained the man who seemed to be in charge of the new group of men.

"You agreed, the Black Pearl was to be mine" Will exclaimed as he looked to Seo Feng.

"And so it was," said Seo Feng with a gesture of his hand. Suddenly one of his men punched Will and two others tied his wrists.

"Pirate" Six whispered annoyedly under her breath.

"And so it was," smiled the leader of the new men "Lord Beckett wouldn't give up the one ship as might prove a match for the Dutchman, would he"

That was when Seo Feng took a moment to look around and noticed for the first time how many new people really had boarded the ship, they outnumbered Seo Feng's men and were all armed and ready. Giving a sharp nod Seo Feng silently told his men to stand down and let the men on lord Beckett's side take control of the wheel and ship.

"Shame they're not bound to honor the Code of the Brethren. Isn't it? Of course, honor's a hard thing to come by, nowadays" said Barbossa as he moved closer to Seo Feng.

"Ah yes, if they were pirates life would be so much easier," Six said, rolling her eyes.

"There is no honor to remaining with the losing side. Leaving it for the winning side, that's just good business" Seo Feng responded to Barbossa.

"The losing side, says you" Barbossa asked.

"There's no losing side yet" Six stated "not until there's nothing left for one side"

"They have the Dutchman," Seo Feng pointed out "And what do the Brethren have?"

"We have-" Barbossa dropped his voice before continuing his sentence "Calypso"

"You want to release her" said Six in realization, she couldn't believe she hadn't realized it before. Barbossa had practically told her his plan when he told her why he wanted to get Jack back and still she hadn't put it all together until then. "Are you mad? You trap 'er then decide to release her now?"

"Calypso. An old legend" said Seo Feng slowly, his eyes looking towards where Elizabeth was still being held by one of his men.

"No, the goddess herself" Barbossa explained to Seo Feng "bound in human form, fury or favor, you not be knowing, but when the mood strikes her, and it's her favor she bestows upon a lucky sailor, well, you've heard: legendary"

"Fury that will now be focused on the people who trapped her" Six pointed frustratedly.

"There was a time when the seas be untamed, the world a rougher place, and a sailor made his own fate" Barbossa continued "I aim to bring it back. And for that, I need the Brethren Court. All the court"

"What are you proposing?" asked Seo Feng.

"What be you accepting?" Barbossa countered.

"The girl," stated Seo Feng, gesturing towards Elizabeth.

"What" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"What do you want with her?" asked Six sharply.

"No. No. Out of the question" Barbossa decided, shaking his head.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now