twenty one

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Gasping for air, Six forced her eyes open. She was alive, at least she felt like she was. She could feel her lungs paining for air, the water that had gotten into her eyes and blurred her vision, the water that had gone up her nose and gave her an uncomfortable sensation, the water that covered her body and dripped down her face as it emerged from the water, the piece of wood that gently bumped into her helping her regain herself and the bland air that she was finally able to breath in, filling her desperate lungs.

The air wasn't right. It was different. Six noted that before her eyes had even gotten a chance to adjust to being open and long before she got a chance to blink the water that had gotten in them out. She wasn't breathing in crisp, fresh, salty sea air like she normally did, no, it was definitely air she was breathing, it satisfied her lungs but it was plain, not hot or cold, not fresh or old, not salty or anything, it was just air and nothing more.

Finally her eyes adjusted and she got the water out of them enough to be able to see what was infront of her. She was met with nothing but wide open waters that continued on forever with no stop. The waters were plain and motionless with a few pieces of destroyed wood floating stilly.

Six's arms and legs were beginning to get tired. She hadn't even noticed that she was treading water to stay afloat. She thanked her body for reacting without her brain's knowledge because otherwise she would have probably drowned.

Coming to the conclusion that where she was had to be the locker because there was nothing normal world about it, Six began to turn around in a half circle to see what was behind her. Half surprised when her eyes landed on a large piece of land made from sand not too far away from her, Six let out a sigh of relief as she began to swim towards it. A ray of sun coming from an unknown location hit Six's eyes causing her to barely be able to make out the person standing on the land while a few more people that looked more like blobs climbed through the water near the sand.

Finally reaching a point where her feat could touch the ocean floor below the water, Six gave her arms a rest as she forced her legs to carry her through the last bit of the water and onto the land where a few people had joined the first figure she had seen from the distance.

Tia, Anamaria, Barbossa and Will all stood on the land in a line side by side. Tia looked towards the mountains of sand in front of them, her hand held out with a small smooth rock resting on it. Barbossa was also standing calmly looking up at the sand. Anamaria stood trying to ring out the water from her clothes and hair and and Will looked towards the water, more specifically at Six as she stepped onto the sand to join them.

"We made it," Six said as a mixture of a statement and a question. She wasn't sure what she had expected to see once they made it to their destination but large open empty water and mountains of sand was not it.

"I think so," said Will, guiding her towards him "are you alright?"

"Yeah" said Six in a tone of realization "fell off the edge of the world or whatever that was but I feel fine just tired"

"Same" Will nodded as some of the others arrived on the land.

"I hate boats" stated Ragetti as he and Pintel walked through the last few feet of water leading up to the sandy land.

"Ya can't hate boats, yer a pirate" Six pointed out looking towards the two who arrived with a group of the men that had been picked up in Singapore.

"Really?" Pintel asked, glancing towards his friend. "So, no more waxing all poetic 'bout how you runned away to sea and how you's only truly happiest at sea-"

"I still love the sea, it's boats that can't be trusted" Ragetti explained as they stepped onto the sand.

"So what, ya plan to retire to a calm life in a cottage by the seashore now?" Six asked as Gibbs and Elizabeth pulled themselves onto land.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now