twenty two

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They got everyone on the ship, including Barbossa, Ragetti and Pintel who Jack finally accepted and allowed onto the ship. Though Barbossa would have gotten himself on the ship no matter what Jack decided.

"Ya compass don't work in the locker huh" Six hummed looking over Jacks shoulder as he took his compas out and looked at it, it pointed forwards but when he moved slightly it didn't move.

"I guess" Jack frowned. "Leave me alone, go be with young William or whatever" he shot, waving his hand dismissively towards her.

"What?" Six asked furrowing her brows before walking away with a shrug.

Six had decided to make a point to avoid Elizabeth at all costs because ignoring her existence would probably be better than pulling a weapon on her, at least in the eyes of some of the others. Barbossa wouldn't mind the loss of Elizabeth, she couldn't decide if Jack would and Will certainly would mind, no matter how long it had been since Elizabeth had properly talked with him, Will still cared about her. The new knowledge of Jack's death being Elizabeth's fault did nothing to help Will and Elizabeths troubles if anything it made them worse. Jack was rescued, not out of the locker but nor were they, the two should have been able to go back to talking but instead they were avoiding each other more than ever. Well more Will was avoiding her while Elizabeth made minimal moves to get close and talk with him.

Six was on her way across the deck towards where Will stood by the railing, looking over onto the water they were sailing through when the yelling of Jack and Barbossa caught her attention. Normally she'd ignore whatever they were saying but Jack was repeating word for word everything Barbossa was saying and Six could immediately tell that it was likely to not end well.

"Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet! Haul that pennant line" Barbossa ordered the crew as he crossed the deck.

"Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet! Haul that pennant line" Jack repeated Barbossa's words as he followed him.

"What are you doing?" Barbossa asked, turning around to look at Jack.

"The Captain gives orders on a ship" Jack responded.

"The Captain is giving orders" Barbossa pointed.

"My ship, that makes me Captain" Jack stated.

"They be my charts"

"That makes you" Jack waved his hand around as he thought of the word "chart man"

"Stow it, the both of you, and that's an order! Understand" said Pintel, suddenly appearing beside them. "Sorry" he quickly said as Barbossa and Jack both turned to look towards him. "Just, with the Captain issue in doubt and all, thought I'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry" he explained as he retreated back towards Ragetti.

"I would vote for you" Ragetti smiled towards him.

"Why don't you be the captain?" Will asked, moving to stand beside Six.

"That would go over well," Six laughed. "Would you like to suggest that?"

Glancing towards Barbossa and Jack, Will looked back to Six "yeah alright, we'll leave them to figure it out"

"Besides, promised Jack I wouldn't steal 'is ships" Six added.

"Why?" Will asked curiously.

"Had t'a gain 'is trust" Six shrugged "Stole a ship of his before an' lost his trust, promised to not do it again and gained his trust"

"We have no idea what we're doing do we?" Will asked as he looked towards the helm of the ship where the two captains had moved to arguing behind where Gibbs stood steering the ship and trying to ignore them.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя