twenty six

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"Tell me you didn't miss me" Jack's voice grinned suddenly as he jumped down onto the deck right in front of Six and Will. "Send this piss-yellow traitor to the brig" he ordered, motioning towards Will. It didn't take long for his orders to be followed as Will was dragged away below deck.

"Seriously?" Six asked wide-mouthed as she looked towards her brother.

Will did not deserve that.

"He tried to organize a mutiny against me. He's lucky e's just being locked up" Jack responded.

Maybe Will did deserve that.

Gritting her teeth together, Six turned and walked away. Jack was the captain, or at least thought he was the captain and was respected like one. Who really was the captain of the Pearl at that time wasn't exactly decided. All Six knew was that he held more power on the ship at that time then she did and he had no reason to keep her on the ship therefore she had to listen to him to an extent becuase she wouldnt put it past him to throw her overboard for a stupid reason.

It was late in the evening, the sky had long ago turned dark and the crew was all below deck drinking and telling stories as usual. It didn't take too long for everyone to become distracted and drunk enough that they didn't notice Six standing up and walking towards the brig.

Swinging around her fingers the keys that she had stolen from Gibbs minutes earlier as he had been telling a story of his days in the navy Six made her way down the staircase that led to the brig only to find the room empty, completely empty.

Of course she hadn't expected to find anyone on guard in the brig because everyone but Jack, Barbossa, Will and now her were all drinking together but she hadn't expected to find the door to one of the cells hanging off of its hinges and the cell empty. She knew she shouldn't be surprised, Will was incredibly smart, resourceful and knew how to escape and break people out of cells. How much of a pirate he truly was still wasn't something she could wrap her mind around.

Attaching the keys to her belt so that she didn't have to continue carrying them but also didn't have to put them down, Six turned around and headed back up the stairs to locate where Will might have gone. The brig was not large enough for someone to be able to hide in the room and a lantern had been left inside the room, lighting it up enough for Six to have been able to see that it was definitely empty before she left.

Six gave the inside of the ship, excluding the room where she knew the crew were all, a quick search before heading onto the deck. Where Will might try to go Six wasn't sure, escaping a cell while on a ship in the middle of the sea wasn't a good move most of the time, especially not when you had just tried to betray the entire crew hours earlier so Six just had to hope that Will had a smart plan that he was going through with.

Stepping onto the deck Six's eyes quickly landed on two figures at the very front of the ship, both quite recognizable to Six as she walked across the dark deck and towards them.

"Think like me. It'll come to you" was the only words Six was able to hear before one of the figures pushed the other off of the ship.

"You didn't" Six hissed to herself as she sped up her pace and quickly arrived at the forecastle where she found her brother throwing a barrel overboard. "What are you doing?" Six asked, reaching for his arm just as he let go of the barrel which appeared to have a body tied to it.

"Getting rid of the bodies," Jack offered with a grin.

"I just watched you throw Will overboard," she said, unimpressed by Jack's answer.

"Wills a body" he pointed out.

"You can't just throw Will overboard" she exclaimed as she looked over the railing and down into the water where she could just make out Will climbing onto the barrel that Jack had thrown under the reflection of the moonlight.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now