The night gallery

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Me and Celeste were helping Jack walk on his leg which was healing nicely when Cheryl came in

"Hey Cheryl what do you need?" I asked Celeste was confused why Cheryl was here so was I

"Well I hire Arch and his team to dig up the palladium on this continent sits beneath my maple groves. So I can  harvest the precious metal before Hiram Lodge steals it. And I was thinking if you can help."

"Uh I don't think so." Said Celeste

"Sure why not."


"Splendid see you there." I turned to Celeste

"Now let me explain."

"Eden you've never done that job before it's dangerous."

"I'll be fine plus if it's to keep Hiram from getting it then what's the harm." She sighs. At the spot we were all getting ready when

"Ready to do this, boys?"

"Hell yeah, I can smell the palladium from here."

"Halt! Before you go forth, I would like to offer my blessing as ministress. Please gather around and join hands."

"You know, uh, I'm not really religious.

"Keep an open mind, Fangs."

"To our brother Divine, in entering this dark cavity, help keep our strapping muckmen safe from harm and danger. And let their great labors lead to even greater riches. Amen."



"All right, in we go." I sighed and man was work hours later we took a break man was I hungry

"Hey, where's Kev?"

"He said he wasn't hungry, so he just kept on digging."

"What? No. No one works in the mines alone."

"Arch." I go after him


"Kev, you in here?" I shout





"Kevin, you can't stay back alone."

"Look what I found."

"It's a maple miracle." We went to show Cheryl

"Well done, Archie. Eden. I'd suggest a celebratory toast, but I know you boys have to get right back to it."

"Have you guys ever heard of "The Mothmen"?"

"Yeah. Jug was investigating them. I saw some of his sketches, but they're just a hoax, right?"

"Maybe. There were some stories from the truck drivers who worked in the mines when they were open. And every so often, they'd talk about these humanoid creatures that lived underground with big red eyes to absorb as much light as possible. Not to mention, they were cannibalistic." I rolled my eyes

"Okay, that's enough storytelling. Let's get back to work." Man this is hard at work when suddenly Arch ran like hell out. Which was odd.

3 person view

"This one is one of my favorite

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"This one is one of my favorite. A woman who looks out for not just another's but mostly her family."

Celeste POV

While my husband is doing his fair share of helping our old small town I decide to wacth the house old and my children Jack leg had been getting better and I couldn't be more bless but I worry my child may feel like a useless person cause of his accident I tell him that he shouldn't but I know it bugs him so I brought my father down so he can speak to him since I know Jack always see himself in him

"Thanks for doing this dad I feel like his spirit gone out since the accident."

"None sence the kid has spunk I know it." Once we get to his room I see Jack on the bed looking at old photos of him winning his first peewee soccer league

"Mijo someone here to see you." He looked up and smiled


"My why gloom mi amiguito?" He Sits with him on his bed

"Didn't momma tell about my accident."

"She did but that wasn't an accident that sound like someone doing the right thing."

"Yeah right thanks to those Cooper twins I might never play soccer again."

"Hey you will and let me tell you I'll have the best motivator and expert teach you."


"Yeah my grandson will be the best soccer player ever."


"Yeah." I smiled happily knowing he'll believe in himself again.

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