A delusion of elusion

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At morning I was invited by Betty to eat breakfast at her house so I made a fresh muffins

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At morning I was invited by Betty to eat breakfast at her house so I made a fresh muffins

At morning I was invited by Betty to eat breakfast at her house so I made a fresh muffins

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once my driver drops me off I walk to the front door and Betty opens

"Oh my um" I wave

"Hey bet I made muffins if you want one"

"Um sure come in" I walk in into the dining area where I meet her mom

"Oh hello ms. Cooper my name is Celestia Cruz Flores"

"Flores as in may Flores"

"Hmm she's my mom"

"See I knew I recognized the facial features"

"Well... I made a bash of homemade muffins so we can eat"

"Thank you Celeste"

"Your welcome" I set the muffins down on the table and sit down jug came over next as we eat I can feel an weird tension

"So, Jughead... I suppose we have you to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?"

"Actually, Mom, I was the one who asked Jughead to help me write it for the Blue and Gold."

"Relax, Betty. I'm just making conversation." Essh rude.

"Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?"

"Sure, I'll show you."

"No, no. I'll show him. Follow me... Jughead." Once gone

"Where is it?" I asked Betty standing up

"Check her purse" I look in and fine a book

"Got it" she comes over and takes a picture of the numbers at the gold and blue we were checking the numbers

"The Sisters of Quiet Mercy."

"What is that? Like a church? Or a charity?" I asked

"No. It's a... "Home for troubled youths. Where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect, enjoying lives of quiet reflection and servitude."

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