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I walked to class with Sweetpea

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I walked to class with Sweetpea

"Hey you alright" he asked me

"I'm fine I'm just feeling a bit heated" he placed his hand on my for head

"Wow your burning up I can call aunt May and tell her to come pick you up"

"I'm fine sweets it's nothing" he sighed

"but just tell me if your feeling sick alright" I nod once at class officer Mineta was interigeting the whole class I was starting to feel a bit worse

"Archie is a murderer, and we know he didn't escape alone. He had help. Hiding a convict or withholding information from the law is a felony offense. So, whoever's aided and abetted Archie Andrews is just as much of a criminal as he is."

"I was busy all day, Sheriff. You can check my browser history. If you know what I mean."

"Miss. Cruz where were you"

"Accuse me like that again sheriff and I'll have my father's best lawyers suing you and the whole department to the last dollar you" I sneered

"I don't even know this Archie person. And on Mondays, I host a group for teen Farmies. We are still accepting members."

"Where were you, Miss McCoy, at the time of the breakout?"

"Don't look at me, sir. I, uh... I... I was in the music room practicing." That's when I started to feel a bit Ill

3 person view

"Alone? I'll be looking into all of your alibis, and if I find out later that someone in here was involved, then you can say goodbye to this school, your hopes and dreams, your music, your entire future. All of it goes away just like that. So, again, to be clear, if you know anything that..." That's when both Josie and Celeste started to having convulsions

"Celeste!" Sweetpea ran over to his baby cousin desk

"Sheriff Minetta, back off!" Said Cheryl run over to Josie after their episode they both faint

"What just happened?"

"My God, are they okay?"

"Celly Cel Celeste fangs help me out" Fangs helps carry Celeste as Sweetpea calls his aunt

Yes Sweetpea what...

"Aunt May listen you have to come to get Celeste Now"

What what happened is she alright

"No she... She had a seizures"

What oh lord I'll have the men to go and pick her up

He hangs up. May has the men to prepare Celeste room

"May what's wrong?"

"Eric Sweetpea just called me... Celeste has had a seizure"

"What?! but Celestia never had one before"

A Cruz new life (Riverdale)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin