Don't mess with a cruz child

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I was with Veronica and Cheryl at Cheryl mom's old place that we fixed it

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I was with Veronica and Cheryl at Cheryl mom's old place that we fixed it

"Your party will be the hit of frat row, boys."

"Would be a bigger hit if you three came. You ladies supply anything other than booze?"

"Cute" i faked sarcastically

"Xavier!" The boys see xavier and escorts them out


"Honestly, Veronica, what happened to "quality always?"

"I agree with Cheryl Veronica" then we see a group of men that looked shady

"Oh, great. The cast of Swamp Thing just got here."

"Welcome. I don't have any more orders scheduled for pick-up, but can I help you?"

"Actually, little lady, we're just, uh, checking out the competition. Jinx Malloy, of the Malloy family. Maybe you gals have heard of us."

"No, I'm afraid I canceled my subscription to Truckers Weekly." I spoke sarcastically

"That's funny. You know what's not funny? You bitches are cutting into our profits."

"I beg your pardon!"

"You see, we Malloys have been running the Maple Moonshine business for generations. And one of our most lucrative markets is the college scene. But recently we've been getting wind of a new product that's... eating into our customer base. Maple Claw."

"Let's say that's true. What exactly would you like us to do about that?"

"Just pull your product." I scoff lightly but I had a bad vibe from these guys

"I don't think so. See, I can guess who you boys work for. And you can tell him that Veronica Lodge, Celestia de la cruz and Cheryl Blossom do not back down from a fight. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have bottles to fill."

"Don't say we didn't warn you." Once they leave

"Veronica, what the hell was that?"

"That was a bluff. Trust me, Cheryl, Celeste, this is typical of my father. Last year, he sent thugs in gargoyle masks to beat up on Reggie. This year, it's hillbillies who claim to produce Maple Moonshine." I was worried I went back home and was a bit scared at dinner

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