Death Road

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I came out Jughead room with his shirt on my hair mess up but we didn't go fully all the way

"Morning. You... you hungry?"

"You never have to ask me that."

"Cool." I got dressed and We went to pop's

"Thanks for letting me sleep over. But I have to dial my dad to know where I am? And your lucky won't know about this" I joked

"My trailer is your trailer."

"Last night was... A PG-13 grope-session?"

"Ooh. Way to knock a guy down a peg."

"Look, cards on the table. You're not over Betty, and I'm not interested in being anybody's rebound. Plus I care for you as a friend."

"Roger that." We laughed I went home and daddy took me to Alice place cause the party great.

" We laughed I went home and daddy took me to Alice place cause the party great

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once at Betty's place we stand by Ms. Cooper

"Riverdale's best and brightest, huh?"

"Alice, thank you for hosting."

"Of course, Mayor McCoy. When I heard what happened at Nick's party, I decided that we should come together to deal with this motley crew of liars, dope-fiends, and fornicators. Except for my Betty, who was smart enough to leave the party before it descended into a bacchanalian free for all"

"Oh, my God. Mom, please don't."

"And our beloved Celeste who came home straight away"

"Of course our baby girl came straight home before she touch any of that mess. Celeste?"

"Yes dad I didn't touch anything I felt so uncomfortable I told Betty I wasn't going to be their anymore then left"

"Oh great, here we go Saint Betty and Celeste and Succubus Veronica."

"So, this is for clarity, Alice. You're hosting this little get-together to what?"

"You know, I may ave taken Jingle Jangle, but she's the one who had a psychotic break"

"Oh shut up Veronica" I spoke they we're shocked

"At least we weren't trying impresses some f boy you hook up with in the past and try to be a stuck brat from the past you know I may have money but at least I have class too and my parents didn't raise me to be a stuck ice princess so if Betty had a moment telling you the truth then I mostly back her up on and for Archie *scoff laugh* wowwie you really sets your dial low as least if I was your girlfriend I wouldn't be throwing myself at my ex's just to make my parents happy so who's the really the one with problems huh Veronica oh wait not you miss little social light of logdes miss I'm too good for all of us. Maybe at least learn some manners before you go and put us in any of your crazy drugged up exes and guess what Veronica your ice I'm the earth ready to crush you down. You and Archie deserve each other. you know what mom dad's let's go we have no business being here anymore!" I said pissed off flipping my hair

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