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Me and my parents were at pops eating enjoying our time

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Me and my parents were at pops eating enjoying our time

"You know I worked here and your father would always come to leave gifts or to chat"

"Awwww that's cute"

"Your mom exceptional made my dreams come true"

"Ay tu" I smiled but then sighed I haven't heard a beep from Emilio

"Princess what's wrong?" Dad asked

"It's just I haven't heard a word from Emilio and it's been weeks"

"That bastardo" dad got pissed

"Maybe his doing something sweetheart" mom tried explaining I nod a bit

"Yeah maybe" then a ring came on my phone I checked it

"Oh the Sat scores I'm scared" my my holds my hand I opened it and gasp

"Perfect scores"

"As one should have"

"This can get me into the perfect colleges"

"Congratulations sweetheart"

"Thanks Mommy daddy" later I went to go visit Sweets at his trailer

"Knock knock" he looked over he was upset

"Hey what's wrong primo" I asked as I sat next to him

"Love that's what" I sighed

"you and me both"

"Why what happened"

"I though things were going well between me and Emilio but after he sleep with me he ghosted me ever since" I started crying in his arms he hugged me

"Hey you don't need him screw that that guy forget him you can find someone better" I sob

"Oh cous" he holds me tightly

Sweetpea POV

After my cousin left I went out to look for Emilio when I found him he had some shank on his lap making out with him Fangs spots me I nod he knew that signal very well and went over grab him and brought him over to me and I think he was terrified to see me I grab him by the collar

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