In a lonely day

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The school was trashed

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The school was trashed

"Hiram's escapees trashed everything. They pulled wires from walls, smashed circuit breakers, even broke sinks and toilets."

"How long till we can get this place back in shape, Mr. Andrews?"

"Well, we're looking at least three weeks. And that's if I can pull a crew together."

"Count me in, Archie."

"So will i."

"Well, let's get started. I guess it's back to remote learning." As we were cleaning up

"Hey, guys, you should see this." We go in the classroom and on the TV

...managed to round up the majority of these criminals. But we believe there's a
small group of escapees that are still at large in the town formerly knowns as Riverdale Local philanthropist, Hiram Lodge, and I are offering a reward for any information that may lead to a safe capture of any and all prisoners.

"Wait, so Hiram sets free a bunch of cons and now he's offering a reward for bringing them back?"

"It's a PR stunt to paint themselves as heroes." I said

"Archie, where are you going?"

"We need money to fix this school, and they're offering it. I'm rounding up some criminals and I'm cashing in." Back home Celeste and eden were taking care of Jake when Tabitha came over

"Tabitha what can we do?"

"Oh I came over cause I heard about Jake so I brought him something but also Jughead missing."


"Really oh no."

"Well um what can we do."

"Me and Betty."

"Betty? She's helping you find Jughead?"

"Yeah but I wonder if one of you can help?" Celeste was quite but eden nods

"I'll help."

"Great let's go."

"Take care of Jake." Celeste nods and eden goes with Tabitha once at the bunker

"Well, he left his phone here. That's never a good sign. Okay, although this will be potentially cringey, I think we should read Jughead's manuscript. See if there's any clues about where he may have wandered off to. We'll each take half."

"What am we looking for?"

"Any conspicuous locations or people that he mentions. Anything that might be a lead."

"This is gonna be a long read."

"All this stuff about Mothmen and Mole People."

"Where did Jughead get the shrooms anyways?" Eden asked

A Cruz new life (Riverdale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz