Varsity Blues

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I walked into Veronica establishment and see Reggie their

"Hey reg hola Veronica"

"Hey C"

"Celeste what brings you here"

"Well" I sit down

"Oh what are these" I asked

"These my Amiga are rum tasting selection I'm having Reggie taste some"

"Oh count me in" I said excited we taste one and two until three

"Oh god Ronnie number three is so good"

"Mmm, gotta go with number three like C. It's damn good, Ronnie."

"It's my special shimmy on abuelita's recipe."

"I thought your dad patented the recipe, so you couldn't use it."

"Daddy may have patented our family recipe for his own profit, but this is a modified spiced rum with a unique flavor profile. Now it's time to introduce Luna Rum to the outside world."

"And I think you might need a profiting partner V"

"You wanna be my partner" I grab my bag and took out a twenty thousand rolled up and placed it in the table

"What do you say" we shake hands then I went off to school and changed into my cheerleader practice uniform

"What do you say" we shake hands then I went off to school and changed into my cheerleader practice uniform

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and walked around with Cheryl and the girls when we got stopped by Mr. Honey

"Cheryl, girls, how fortuitous. I'd like you to meet someone"

"No time to chat, Mr. Honey. We're on our way to practice our Spirit Week musical routine, which will, naturally, be epic."

"On that subject, as was discussed with Mrs. Burble, I have brought in Miss Appleyard to be your new coach."

"But cheer season is almost done, Mr. Honey." I said bluntly

"I can handle this, Holden."

"Mmm." Then he leaves

"Look, I'm not sure what Honey has told you, but we don't need a coach. I run the show around here. Howevs, we are looking for a launderwoman." I snorted a laugh

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