A suffering family

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Eric POV

When the men came but didn't brought Celeste I was pissed

"What the hell do I pay you three for huh where's my little orchid"

"We don't know sir the last spot she was at school then we didn't get a response from her" I slammed my hands on the desk

"Their a riot going on in this town and my little orchid is in the mix of it I swear to you three Better go our and find out baby girl cuase if something happened to her I'll rip your heads off" they nod and leave I sighed deeply as May comes and rubs my shoulders

"Will find her okay" I nod that's when Mariana and Marcos come bursting in the door Mariana was crying

"Mom Dad it's Sweetpea..... Celeste been shot" our eyes widen we go to the hospital and we see Jones both of them

"Where is she Jones"

"Eric calm down" I slammed my fist on to the wall

"Calm down my daughter been shot and you want me to calm down!" I growled may and Mariana we're crying Marcos send the men to secure the hospital we waited for any news for Celeste I felt like a failure of a father I should have been their protecting my little girl May comes sits next to me holding my hand

Mariana POV

I heard someone say

"Excuse me, ma'am. How's Celeste Cruz?" I turned my head and saw a boy with a Bennie

"She's still in surgery."

"I'll want to talk to him as soon as he wakes up." I walked up to him

"Hi I'm Mariana Celeste older sister"

"I'm Jughead I'm sorry for Celeste"

"thank you" then a sheriff guys walks up

"Sheriff Minetta... Shouldn't you be on the street looking for who shot Celeste?"

"Yeah my little sister shooter still out their why in hells name are you here?"

"There's already a manhunt underway. Your little Serpent pals aren't making things easy, though. Rioting, carousing, terrorizing the neighborhood. Already arrested a few." I step up to him angrily

"My baby sister wouldn't have a slug in her gut if you'd done your job in the first place." I growled shouting

"I don't know the details of your parole, Miss, but I'm certain harassing an officer would violate them."

"Oh I'll give you a harresment when my fist collides with your face" I shout Marcos held me back I glared at the sheriff I wanted vengeance my baby sister in life support so me and Marcos go with Sweetpea

"My baby cousin was shot by these Northside bastards now let's give them a piece of our minds" we agreed we go to Riverdale high and start to trash the place when

"Serpents, stop!"

"Well, Fellas, looks like we found some bulldogs to put down."

"Sweet Pea, I swear, Reggie didn't shoot Celeste. It was Mrs. Klump."

"Bull. I saw Mantle with the gun!"

"Then you also saw me tackle him, before he got a shot off! It was Midge's mom! She's down at the station."

"Yeah, and our baby sister is still clinging to life." I growled

"And whether it was Reggie or Mrs. Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put her there. You took our friend, our family, our land... And you'll take everything if we give you the chance. So now you get to watch as we burn your school to the ground." He bash the glass case

"What the hell do you boys think you're doing to my school?" We leave in some bar I burst into tears Marcos and Sweetpea hold me

"We might lose our baby sister" I sob

"Hey no we won't" said Marcos then the Jones kid spoke

"I can't just sit here..."

"You don't have a choice, Sweet Pea, you're staying put."

"You said it yourself, the Ghoulies are back!"

"We will deal with them. As soon as my dad gets back..."

"Oh, so you're not our leader all of a sudden? Oh, no, that's right, you're just the guy who got my baby cousin shot!"

"Sweets!" Warned Marcos

"Watch it..."

"And now, Celeste might die! And the Ghoulies are out for our blood because of a drag race you started."

"An hour. That's all I'm asking for, Sweet Pea." He slammed the wall I go over and rub his shoulder Dad came over with his men mom stayed over to check Celeste state was

"Dad I'm scared for celly"

"Don't worry she's be okay" then he got a call

"It's time we end the Ghoulie scourge and that traitor, Penny Peabody permanently."

"Sweet Pea, two hours ago your fight was with Reggie Mantle. Now you want us to go to war over territory that we don't even control anymore? This is Hiram Lodge's problem, not ours."

"So you're just gonna hand over Sunnyside Trailer Park, our home to Penny and the Ghoulies?"

"Toni, I don't want us to die. A rumble with the Ghoulies right now? It's a suicide-run."

"It's better than a coward's death. Don't we have to defend ourselves?"

"Calm yourself..."

"That's enough!" Dad slammed his hand to the wall spooking all off us

"Dad what's wrong" he stayed quiet

"Uncle Eric what's wrong?" Asked Sweetpea

"That was your mother..... Mari Marcos it's Celeste, uh... She didn't make it." My heart broke completely

"She's gone." I sob into Marcos arms

"Celeste is dead?"

"And we will mourn her, hell yeah, we will. But first, we will honor her. From what I just heard, it sounds like we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?" Jughead was the only one who raised his hand 

"And all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" We all raised our hands


I was next to my baby girl crying she's gone gone what kind of a mother am i then


A Cruz new life (Riverdale)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz