Tell of the heart

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Me and Kevin walked and talked

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Me and Kevin walked and talked

"I just can't believe body was found"

"When you texted in the morning about the body I almost fainted to the point where daddy had to almost cacth me and my mother worried sick"


"Of course now daddy putting extra security on us like Hawks"

"Uh I need some of your men" when we walked into the common area

"Oh, my God, did you guys hear? My dad's scanner's blowing up."

"The police found another dead body this morning, there's blood everywhere." I tell them

'Could the Black Hood have risen from the grave?"

"Did they say whose body?"

"Where did they find it?"

"The investigation's ongoing but apparently, it was a gruesome, gangland-style execution at the motel, with blood and brains splattered all over the duvet..."

"Okay, Kev, we get it."

"I gotta go." Strange I followed Betty into the restroom and she pucked

"Oh lord Betty" I said

"Oh. Betty, are you okay? Do you need some help?"

"I'm fine, Cheryl."

"Let me grab you a towel."

"I said I'm fine!"

"You have puke on your collar." I knew something was up with Betty she would not be acting this way only cause of a body so at home in daddy office since he and my mother and Nana went of for business

"Xavier" I called and he walked up to my father desk

"Yes Ms. Cruz"

"Their something shady going on with the Coopers I want to know what it is have two follow Betty around without her knowing and capture her doing even at home station out front and listen in"

"Ms. Cruz will keep you informed"

"That is all" then he left a couple days later I was drink a bit of tea when Miguel one of the men I send to spy on Betty placed down photos on the table I grab them and my eyes widen

"It seem their was a reason to suspect the Coopers after all Ms. Cruz"

"Take me to her house now" once their

I see her sitting on the stairs in front of her house

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I see her sitting on the stairs in front of her house


"Celeste what are you doing here"

"Betty I know" her eyes widen

"What do you mean"

"Betty I'm not an idiot the way your we're acting at school when Kevin said they found a body you got tense and the way your acting now I know what you did"

"Celeste I .." I go sit down next to her and hugged her

"Shhhh it's okay I don't jugde Betty I'll help you"

"You will"

"Of course we're friends" she hugs me tightly then Jughead come on his motorcycle and walks over to us.

"Betty... Celeste What's going on? What are you doing out here?"

"I think I'm going crazy. Jug, my mom's acting like everything's normal when... It's not. Everything is falling apart. Everything is falling apart. I need to tell you something." After she tells him everything

"I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm just obsessing over this shady man, his phone and his life.Meanwhile, my mom's acting like it never even happened. God, why didn't I just call the police?"

"You still can, Betty. And you know, you probably should!"

"And say what, Jug?" I tell him then a lady drives by

"Hey! Either of you three know the owner of that car? It's been parked there since the day before yesterday. Neighbor's complaining."

"Yeah, sorry, Officer, that's my car. I just can't find my keys."

"Street's being cleaned tomorrow a.m. I'm going around the block. If it's still there in five minutes, you're getting a ticket." Then she drives off

"How fast can one of you hot-wire a car?"

"Give me five minutes" I tell him picking up my hair once I hot wired the car we drove to the lake got out and pushed it into the lake

"Norman Bates made it look so easy."

"Wrong day to we're my precious white stilettos" I said annoyed once the car was in

"His phone, too."

"Betty, his phone."

"Oh." Then their was just hope that they don't discover that damn body I really need a get away from this dark town maybe I'll call Mitch and see what's up in LA

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