"No one said anything," Will said, looking at him in confusion.

"That's even more than less than unhelpful" said Jack, his eyes moving between his two shoulders. Six opened her mouth to say something but before she could Jack spoke again "I love the sea"

"Alright he's gone madder than ever" Six stated as she stood up off of the barrel she had been sitting on and looked towards her brother

"I'm going to see if I can find any water left for him" Will decided standing up as well.

"Don't think e's drinken water ever in 'is life" Six laughed.

"I prefer rum. Rum's good" Jack said, nodding to himself slightly.

"Yeah I'll come with ya" Six stated to Will before following him towards the inside of the ship to look for water that they were both fairly certain they didn't have. Many of the others on the ship had already looked for water and found nothing but empty barrels.

Walking down towards where all of the limited supplies that they had was kept Six and Will glanced around each area they passed in case something caught their eye before they arrived at the storage area.

Everything in the storage area was the exact same as how it had been earlier that day when Six had taken a look at what they had left. As expected nothing new had magically appeared and they certainly had no beverage options left.

Heading back to the main deck of the ship, Six and Will were met with the sight of Jack running across the ship's deck the moment they exited the inside.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked, looking over the railing where Jack had run to.

"It's not here" Jack exclaimed before running across to the other side followed by the few crew members he had gathered the interest of.

"He's rocking the ship" Pintel yelled as the ship rocked slightly as Jack led the group back towards the other side of the ship.

"Up is down" Six muttered to herself. "Sunrise sets-" her words trailed off as she suddenly understood what Jack was doing. Barbossa, who had wandered over towards the charts, seemed to get the idea at the same time.

"We're rocking the ship" Gibbs called as he followed Jack across the deck.

"Aye, he's onto it" Barbossa grinned as he looked between the chart and Jack "All hands together! Time it with the swell"

"Rock the ship" Six said looking beside her at Will who was watching in confusion.

"What?" Will asked.

Not bothering to repeat herself, Six grabbed Will by the wrist and pulled him out towards the middle of the deck where the group was running back and forth. "Follow them" she ordered as she joined in as they crossed towards the left side of the ship.

Barbossa disappeared below deck for a moment before arriving back on the main deck joined by Anamaria who seemed to have been filled in enough on what they were doing. The ship was rocking quite a lot as she and Barbossa joined them and staying on the deck when the ship was at its highest point was becoming hard.

Grabbing tightly onto the railing so she did not slip down the deck, Six watched as one man who hadn't grabbed the railing fell down across the deck and right over the railing at the other side.

Continuing to run back and forth it didn't take long before the ship sat almost completely on its side at moments before rocking to its other side.

"And now up, is down" Jack smiled proudly as the ship rocked completely on its side and didn't rock back toward the other. Instead it paused for a moment before falling back down, it's deck towards the water instead of the ship's bottom. The people clinging onto the railing tightly only had a short second to take a breath before they emerged underwater, their heads handing towards the deck above them and their feet dangling towards the non visible bottom of the ocean.

Six Sparrow (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now