The next day in school in the lounge with Cheryl Archie and Veronica

"I'm sorry, but I cannot donate my precious maple resource to help fund that collection of tatterdemalions you call a football team, Archie. Moreover, the Vixens can no longer, in good conscience, continue cheering for the bad news Bulldogs."

"Cheryl, please. Just stick around for one more game and maybe help get some more people in the stands."

"Our Vixens are cheerleaders, not boosters, Archie."

"Fine. I'll do it myself." Then the speaker turned on

Attention, everyone. This is Coach Andrews. You may not know this, but a bunch of your classmates are out there busting their asses on the football field to represent this school and to represent each and every one of you. So why don't you all show some school spirit and support your team. Starting with... the free pancake breakfast that Pop's is hosting tomorrow morning. Give them your support. And, hell... you might even get something out of it yourselves.

"And what about the Vixens?"

"One more game Veronica." I said

"I'll even come out of retirement to give the people something they'd actually like to see. Namely, moi. But first, there's something broken I need to fix." After class was done.

Eden POV

I brought the kids to pop's since we were hosting a football event

"We're feeling optimistic about the rest of the season, Mrs. Davis."

"And your son plays a huge part in that. Which is why, Derek, we want you to be captain of the team." I said

"And what's the team gonna do for my son, Coach Andrews, coach embers?"

"Uh, I'm not sure I understand."

"Derek's a damn good player. And football could be his ticket out of this town. He could get a scholarship..."

"Mom, chill!"

"I have to think of my son's future, Coach's. Not just your team's."

"No I understand being a father myself." I spoke then Veronica came over

"So sorry to interrupt. Coachs, we have a situation." Reggie really

"I take it you didn't come for the hotcakes, Reginald?"

"No. I'm here on behalf of the Greater Rockland County High School Football League. The eight other teams in the conference and our commissioner saw fit to send me as a representative. We're all in agreement. We'd like for the Bulldogs to withdraw from the league like... yesterday." I scoffed

"You guys, uh, suck."

"Screw you, Reggie. Riverdale has a right to play."

"Come on, Andrews. The Bulldogs are an embarrassment. They're tainting the league's prestige. So, can we tell the league you're withdrawing?"

"Like hell. I want the names of every member of this so-called league."

"Doesn't it kill you, Coachs? To watch the Bulldogs lose week after week."

"Yeah. Well, it's not all about winning, Reg. Keep telling yourself that, losers." Back home I told Celeste

"Didn't the punch I gave him taught that ass hat anything."

"I just can't believe they want the team out that bad."

"Hey you and Archie will make them better not matter what and stick it to those Stallions." I smiled she kissed my cheek. At practice after school the next day

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