Close with the Power Broker 2

Start from the beginning

Patrick: the power broker picked a good one

Sofia: I'm their right-hand person, top worker. If you mess with the power broker I come after you.

She picks up the bag of money

Sofia: I'll let you go with a warning. Next time this happens you'll end up like your workers

Patrick: noted

Sofia makes her way out out of the building and back to the building where everyone who works for the power broker work from

Sofia enters the building and makes her way to Sharon's office

She puts the bag of money in the safe

Sharon: babe, is that you?

Sofia; yeah, it's me, baby

She walks out of the safe and shuts it

She turns around and sees Sharon leaning against her desk

Sharon: what happened?

She walks over to Sofia and she places a hand on Sofia's cheek

Sofia: someone got me with a knife during the mission, I'm fine though

Sharon: no, that can get infected

Sofia: baby I'm fine

Sharon: no you are not

She sits Sofia on her desk

Sharon walks over to a cabinet and grabs a rag and butterfly bandages. she wets the cloth and walks back over to Sofia

it was always funny to see how Sharon acted so tough and fearless because she is the power broker but when she is around Sofia, all those walls disappear. whenever Sofia was around, she turned Sharon, the feared power broker soft

Sharon: hold still

She dabs the damp cloth on Sofia's cut

When the cloth makes contact with Sofia's cut, she hisses in pain

Sofia: that burns!

Sharon: I need to clean it

Sharon tries to clean Sofia's wound but Sofia grabs Sharon's wrist

Sharon: babe

Sofia: no, please

Sharon: babe I don't want it to get infected. Just because you have the serum running through your body doesn't mean that you cant get hurt

Sofia sighs

Sofia: fine

She lets go of Sharon's wrist and Sharon continuous to clean the cut

After Sharon bounds the cut with butterfly bandages

Sharon: there

Sofia: thank you, baby

Sharon kisses Sofia's cheek

Sharon: other than that how did the mission go

Sofia: they tried killing me but I got to them first

Sharon chuckles

Sharon: that's my girl, my right-hand person

Months have passed

Sharon and Sofia were laying in bed

Sofia was resting her head on Sharon's chest while Sharon was running her fingers through Sofia's dark hair

Sofia: I've missed this, our time together just the two of us

Sharon: so do i

Sharon kisses the top of Sofia's head

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