"Does that mean you forfeit?"

"I'll dance for Toni as her proxy." I said

"You know, I usually have a rule about annihilating old high school bestie but today you seem particularly insufferable."

"Bring it bicth." I told her so I let her go until it's my turn

"Now let's decide this. All those in favor of moi as your HPIC."

"And all those for me?" I said and they cheered too

"A tie. In that case, me and Celeste are willing to share control of the Vixens, if your ego could handle that."

"Agreed... for now. Why are you buffoons just standing there? Take it from the top."

"You were awesome mama." Back home I was helping Vanellope with her room while the boys and Eden played outside

Eden POV

"Okay boys come at me." I was playing soccer with the boys were practicing goals when

"Mr. Embers." Xavier called and I look over and see him and Archie

"Hey Arch Xavier it's okay. Boys go play nicely."

"Yeah dad." And they run off with the ball while I sit on the balcony seats

"Arch please sit down."

"Thanks Eden."

"Sure Xavier a drink please on the rocks Arch want anything?"

"No I'm good."

"Yes sir." And he leaves I look over at the boys

"So what do you need Arch."

"Well I came here to ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead."

"I was thinking if you would want to join the fire crew I'm starting."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm rebuilding the fire station here in Riverdale."

"Dude I'm in I mean it'll be hell to convince Celeste but I'll do at least going to do anything for this place." We shake hands

"Thank you Eden."

"No problem man." At night Celeste had just made dinner while we eat

"So how was everybody day?"



"Daddy aren't you telling mommy?" Jake said I was confused

"Tell me what sweetie?"

"Your friend Mr. Andrews came over."

"Oh Archie was here."

"Oh yeah he just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"Nothing important just came over for a chat."

"Well I hope his fine." I smiled but I hated to lie my beloved a couple days later I brought the twins with me

"Welcome to day one of Riverdale's volunteer fire academy. Today's your first day of training with a real firefighter from New York City who's gonna help get us into shape. Bernardo Brigsby from Engine 141, the floor is yours."

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