
Start from the beginning

You couldn't wait when Harry tells you that you can go home with Draco and spend the entirety of your pregnancy with Draco instead of in this prison.

You let out a gasp when you were pulled into a tight embrace.

"I know what you are doing Y/L/N." The voice of Monica echoed throughout the bathroom. You shivered in fear as you felt the object pressed up to your head.

"What?" You asked as Monica turned you around to face her.

"You want the guard's sympathy to let you go because you're pregnant." She glared at the small bump. "You don't have a chance to be with your child. I'll make sure you will never get out of here."

Before you could respond you felt a sharp pain shooting to the side above your hip. You looked down to see the switchblade plunge into your body then you looked at Monica who had a sly smirk on her lips as she took out the switchblade, she shoved you slightly, and then she walked away.

You pressed your hand on the wall while the other one held your wound. You gritted your teeth as the pain was unbearable, and you began to worry about the health of your unborn baby. You couldn't lose your baby and you wouldn't allow it.

You leaned your back against the wall as you were losing consciousness, you slid down the wall as your head was tilted back and your hand that was holding the wound was now rested on the floor as you closed your eyes.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Ximena walked around the bathroom when she gasped in shock to see her unconscious friend. She immediately went to your side. "Help! Someone help me!"

Two female guards ran to her and quickly began to call for medical.


Draco placed two cups filled with hot chocolate on the table while Harry was sipping on his already.

"Do you believe we can get Y/N out of prison before the baby is born?" Narcissa asked concerned. Once she had heard about you she immediately booked a flight, however, Lucius couldn't go due to his job. Harry let out a sigh.

"I hope so," Harry admitted. "But I will do everything to have Y/N out of that prison before her due date." He reassured.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a father," Draco said to himself. Harry and Narcissa smiled at the blonde.

"How do you feel about that?" Harry asked with a smile.

"I don't know, the thought of having a baby keeps replaying in my head but I made a promise to my unborn child that I will find a way to get them out of that prison." Draco took a sip of his hot chocolate. Draco's phone rang, he set his mug down before he answered. "Hello?"

"Is this the phone number of Draco Malfoy?" The other person on the phone asked.

"Yes, this is him speaking." Draco stood up from the chair and walked a few inches away from Harry and his mother.

"This Dr. Castro, calling from the hospital of Prison Azakron." The other on the phone said. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and began to become worried.

"What's happened? Is Y/N ok?" Draco asked which caught both Narcissa and Harry's attention.

"Draco, what's going on? Is Y/N ok?" Narcissa asked worryingly. Draco ignored her and was waiting for the doctor to tell him what happened to Y/N. He heard a sigh on the other line.

"She was stabbed in the bathrooms, right now she's in the surgery room but since she's pregnant, her condition is critical."

Draco's breath hitched as he took in the information. He hoped nothing happens to you or the baby.


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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