Chapter 17

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Your POV: very..tired.

I hardly remember anything..just so very tired..! I do remember!

I woke up suddenly, practically forcing myself to get up. I looked around to see where I was and it seem to look like a dark basement..creepy.

The entire room was dark besides a small candle in the far corner. The room wasn't very big either but it was very dark. The floor felt hard and uncomfortable, unlike the tatami Matt's.

My mouth was covered with a cloth, supposedly for me to try and not scream super loud. My hands were bound up above my head and tied very tightly. I jiggled them around and they sounded like..chains?

Ah great..I'm in one of those situations. DANG IT!

I suddenly heard light footsteps coming closer to where I was being held hostage.

'Who's that?..' I thought to myself. I looked in the direction of the noise and waited for an appearance to be made.

"Mmh!!" I muffled between my mouth and the cloth.

"My my..Y/n chan does have things to say.." I know that voice all too well.

It was Douma.

My eyes widened. He showed himself with the light from the small candle in the corner.

"Mmh!! Hmm hmmm!!" I muffled through the cloth again. I wiggled the chains to try and get some friction to.. I don't know..GET ME OUT OF HERE!

'No! not again..I changed I really did..why..why am I back to square one!..' I wanted to cry right there. I was doing so well to be a better person and BOOM I'm here with him again.

"Now now..don't be so upset Y/n Chan..I'm sure you meant no harm.."


What does he mean by harm?!

"I knew you never meant to run away!" Douma gave his signature smile and all I did was glare at him.

"Mmh!" I muffled to be an angry response.

"I see you had a sword! The uniform from the demon slayers corps as well.. you are one of them." Douma said looking down and checking me out😏.

'Curses all curses!' I complained in my head.

I tried to wiggle again and make noise with the chains.

"What's with all the noise? You know your not getting out of here.." Douma started to get cocky which started to puss me off.

"Here I'll let you speak freely." He reached out and untied the piece of cloth covering my mouth.

"Let me out of here! I don't want to be with you anymore!" I said finally being able to speak. Douma started to frown.

"What's with the attitude all of a sudden-" I cut him off.

"Let me out of here...and I swear I'll kill you!" Now I was the one getting all cocky which wasn't good. Douma was clearly stronger than I was, so the chance of my killing him is one in one thousand..

"At least answer me this. Why did you join those demon hunters?" Douma asked. I wasn't so much surprised but I still answered.

"To get a new start. To stay away from the likes of you..! I want to save people and kill every last demon!" I shouted at him. Douma was slightly taken  aback from my response.

"I never knew you grew so ruthless Y/n Chan!..Your so much cooler that way~" I was in anger this time. I felt nothing but rage. I swear I wanted to drop kick him into last Christmas Eve.🙄

"Shut up..SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" Yelling nonsensical things as I started to cry with all the anger. I squirmed around and the chains started to make noise again. I tried kicking my legs but they felt as helpless as I was in this situation.

"Calm down Y/n Chan..all you need is rest! I'll leave you in here and come and check up on you later!" With that, Douma left. Now I was all alone in this room by myself. I still cried quietly to myself, why can't this situation be easier😔.

(If y'all wondering if this is gonna be your opinion on Douma for the rest of the book. HELL NO. I'm changing it up DONT worry😏)

I eventually fell asleep while crying like that. Tired, sleepy, annoyed, agony, pain..

I wanted to forget this day. Forget everything that happened, I just wanted a miracle to happen right now.. (😏😏😏😏😏😏😏)


What's that noise..what's that sound..why do I hear?..chains?..clashing sounds?.. what's going on..

I slowly awakened from my slumber, my eyes still glossy from crying earlier so it was hard to see. I forced my head to look up to see what sound that someone or something was making. The room was pitch black and hard to see again, my guessing was the candle got burnt out. Just how long was I out for?

This mystery person was removing my chain! I was gonna be free..but wait..who is this person exactly? It wouldn't be Douma because he would have already awaken me. I doubt it's anyone of the demon slayers. Just who is it?!

My body was a bit frail and limp so when they removed the chains my body just fell. What a way to wake up.

'Ow..' I said in my head. I let my body lay like that before this person desired to pick me up. I had no clue where my sword was, or my haori. If this was a demon kidnapping me I think they would have already aten me so that's clear.

This person picked my up and put me on their back. I was so tired still and I got a vivid image of the glowing moon outside before blacking out.


End of chapter 17!!! I know I'm so evil😈.

Actually the reason why I ended it there was because I wanted to see if people could guess this mysterious savior of yours👀

Drop your Answers here and let me know who you think it is🤔🤔🤔🤔

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