Chapter 11

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Hey y'all! So sorry for not uploading. I've been caught up with school and chores I had to do so her ya go!

Winter rolled around quickly and the snow was falling. It was the middle of December when you had to go pick up some bread.

Your POV:

'I got to hurry or the bread store will close!' I thought to myself as I ran with a basket. I covered my face with a dark F/C scarf to keep out the cold. My F/c Haori was getting covered in snow and so was the top of my head. The bread store was gonna close soon so I had to hurry.

After running for a few minutes I came across the bread store.

"Wait!.." I waved my hand towards the owner of the bread store noting them to stop closing!!

"Please wait!.. Just this last minute could you spare me some bread?.." I reached into my pocket holding out some yen.

"W-well.. I guess I could spar a few minutes.. Come in come on.." The owner of the store said to me, my face lit up as I entered to the bread store.

"Thank you sir.. Thank you" I said to the clerk as you entered behind the counter.


It was late at night when I left the bread store with a basket full of bread.

"This should be enough.." I said looking down at the bread while lifting the piece of cloth to prevent snow getting on the bread.

"Maybe I could take a shortcut home.." I said a I looked at a path through the woods that would lead me home.

"Let's hope I don't run into any demons.." I said in a worry tone as I began running down the path quickly.

As I was running down the path I tried to keep looking down and not make physical contact with anything that crossed my path, I don't want any repeats to happen. (Oh there will be 😏)

I kept running through the forest and I saw the village where home was.

'Yes! I'm gonna live this time!' I thought to myself as I was about to run making I home when something scratched against my back.. DANG IT!

"AH-" before I could yell out and scream by the sudden movement of what ever was behind me, I rolled down a hill that I didn't know was there. I guess I couldn't see it because it was too dark, but I somehow didn't know that there was a Hillclose by the entrance of the village.

The cold snow against my body was making me shiver was hurt from the scratch behind my back and I was too weak to move.

'Why do I have to be so weak..' I thought to myself complaining in my mind completely oblivious about the fact that there is still a demon close by.

"What a perfect snack.." The demon said, I tried sitting up but the demon pounced on me.

"AHH-" Before I could react again the demon dug his teeth onto my shoulder.

"AHHHHH!!" I cried out of the pain as the demon as struggling to eat me. I looked to my right and saw a big stick, I reached for the stick and tried hitting the demon behind me.

"Quit trying to struggle!" The demon said as he tried pushing my hand down.

"Let... Me... Go!!" I tried yelling as I lifted my hand and turned my body at the same time hitting the heart of the demon.

"gah! You little-" Before the demon could finish his sentence I pounced on the demon and stabbed its eyes out.

'I WON'T GO OUT LIKE THIS!!' I screamed in my mind and kept trying to share the demon eyes out with a stick.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" the demon pushed me off of him and I fell back onto my back where the injury was.

"AHH-" I tried to refrain form screaming but I could help it. The demon then pounced onto me a he was about to bite my face when I lifted my arm in the place where he was going to bite me. The demon bit down hard onto my arm, I could feel the bone break.

"GAHH!" I shouted as I was trying to block the demon from harming me.

'This hurts... So.. Much.. I have to keep blocking!' I felt scared and I was hurt badly but I didn't know what to do but make sure the demon wouldn't try to eat me in any other way.

' me...' I closed my eyes as I felt like the end was near....


I saw it.. A flash of a flame going by. It severed the heart of the demon that was attacking me an it body disintegrated, I was too weak to see very well but I got a clips of my savior.

A tall man with bright golden hair was red rips with a fiery red sword. I'm assuming he is one of the demon slayers Tomioka is.

The male turned his attention toward me but I blacked out after that...

En of chapter 11😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

I promise I will try it more earlier this time I'm so sorry y'all!

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