"fine, i suppose i'll help." lazily rolling himself off of the bed, he brought himself to his feet, the weight of his body crashing over suddenly.

"can't...move..too- tired," he had said while looking up slowly at taehyung. staring at him, the man had forced a mock pout.

"awh~ poor baby, i wouldn't want you to tire yourself even further, now would i?" shaking his head, the other was about to lean back when taehyung yanked him back by the soft fabric of his long sleeved shirt.

"i  was joking around, hobi, now quit being lazy and help me finish everything."

he shook his head and chuckled at seeing the other's reaction, tongue swiping across his slightly chapped lips before he had started getting to work on making everything look presentable.

the cabin they were currently staying in was rather old, anyone could tell by the way it cried in the middle of the night just by feet lightly hitting the floor. it was quite small with only a couple of rooms that consisted of a bedroom, bathroom, and small living room that also happened to be the kitchen. at first his friends had complained slightly - all except for jimin - upon hearing where they'd be staying, but after a couple minutes of begging, their sulking demeanors changed to a more upbeat one. especially since they were going to be surrounded by a forest with tall trees that swayed from the lightest whisper of air.

it was magical, in a way, mainly because at night the stars lit up in a beautiful array. they glimmered and twinkled in the deep blue sky, shining down on their surroundings.

tossing a couple of plush pillows on the floor, he spread out some soft blankets, which he brought with him since frankly they didn't have any good ones in any nearby cabins, taehyung jolted his head up suddenly and looked over at the direction in which the front door was.

"they're here," he had said in a cheerful voice.

"you sure that's not just a murderer coming to kill us?" hoseok hummed "innocently" with a sly smirk.

"yes, i'm sure."

brushing off his black fitted jeans, he gave a small tug with his slender fingers to his oversized matching sweater that hung loosely off his frame. making his way out of the bedroom and towards the entrance, he swung open the dark oak wooden door, quickly inviting in his friends.

"i'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"geez, you act like you haven't seen us in ages," yoongi muttered, bringing his friend in for a quick hug, patting his back. pursing his lips, taehyung exhaled a soft breath as he spoke.

"i pretty much haven't. you guys have been quite busy lately."

"yeah i  know, i'm sorry for that. but hey, we're here now, why don't we make the post of it in this..-" stopping mid-sentence, yoongi grazed a finger on one of the crumpled paintings that were framed and hanging on a terribly painted wall, he pulled it away; staring at dust that had gathered upon it. nose scrunching in faint disgust, he brushed it off on his pants.

"..-lovely, roomy place," his tone was more on the sarcastic side, pitch heightening a bit.

"yeah i know, it's not the best place, but it'll still be fun."

"touché. where's hoseok?"

"he's in the bedroom, i have everything set up in there. i tried making the best out of the small space, did you guys bring the snacks?" holding up a bag, jimin slightly shook it— contents within crinkling.

"do we ever forget snacks?"

"no, never," taehyung admitted. looking at his friends fondly, he turned around on his feet that slid on the ground due to the smooth heels on his shoes, heading back to where hoseok was.

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