Wonderful acquaintance

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"Sirius, don't crush our son," Severus smirked.
"As if you hadn't looked around for him earlier," the man grumbled.
“That was understandable. .two families attack each other without paying attention to their surroundings, no idea why, they have never needed a reason. The curses fly through the air like autumn leaves and there is no Harry anywhere. .of course I was worried. "
Harry loved it when his parents raised each other so lovingly. But then his attention was diverted. That was probably related to what his dad had just said.
."Wasn't there a fireplace over there earlier?" He wanted to know, amazed.
Everyone else turned in that direction too.
“Yes, that was a redlod, actually the spell was supposed to hit Moody with the ax, but she could avoid it. .luckily otherwise there wouldn't be as much left as can fit in one of those idiots' head, "grumbled Severus.
"The chimney has been pulverized so much that we're probably breathing it in," Sirius grumbled on.
."When Susan told us that official events could be uncomfortable, she forgot to say she meant that sort of thing," Harry said.
"She probably didn't mean to take the fun away," Sirius chuckled.
."Very funny," came the others.

"And that's really normal?" Clio asked.severus raised his eyebrows when he saw the Greeks, who obviously belonged to the new acquaintance of his son, but his gesture was meant not angry but appreciative.
.“Unfortunately, yes, this is normal not only for us English, but for most magical countries. Greece, Denmark and Poland are one of the few exceptions, ”he explained to the girl.
.the Greek youth gave the teacher a big look, then moved their gaze to their own teachers.
"Why is our country an exception?" Asked Alexis.
.“Because our own history is full of atrocities, think only of all the human and animal sacrifices that were brought to the gods. And that just to get better wind or a son. .our people have learned from their mistakes, ”explained Marino.

Only after this explanation did the newcomers introduce themselves. The young people also apologized.
."We should have greeted you first and then asked questions," Alexis muttered, embarrassed.
“It doesn't matter, in that case I can understand it well. And I think our strict Severus can make an exception too? "
Severus smiled.
."Only if you have dinner with us."
"We are happy to accept the invitation," smiled Paradiso.
"Alexis, if you talk to someone then please don't mumble," warned Marino.
Alexis nodded and was slightly ashamed again. .his teacher stroked his cheek soothingly.
“It's okay, but you have no reason to hide. Please don't forget that. "
"Yes, Marino."
Severus wanted to help the student. .To be scolded by your teacher was never nice, especially not when you admired him as young Alexis seemed to do.
"Lucius, Sirius and I met someone you know. .he asked us to ask if he could also have dinner with us. "
"Who is it?" The blonde wanted to know curiously.
"Sebastian von Hochstein."
When he heard the name Lucius smiled and his eyes started to shine. .something Harry registered and labeled bad.
'Who is this and what does he want from Luc? And why does the man look so overjoyed? ’
Lucius didn't notice the change in mood, but everyone else did.
.sirius had a hard time suppressing a grin and Severus realized once again how much Lucius meant to his son.

“Who is the Lord?” This time it was Paradiso who intervened to help.
.she knew that look that Clio always got when someone in the bathroom threw a covetous look at her teacher.
.if this was true about the boy's wild magic, which she assumed after seeing the dragon, then he shouldn't be pissed off. Harry didn't seem to be able to use his magic properly yet.
.lucius still hadn't noticed anything.
“Sebastian is one of my oldest friends. I've known him since I was ten. My father and grandfather also counted him among their friends. "
Now Harry began to prick up his ears.
"Your grandfather? .excuse me, how old is this man? ”, this time the question came almost pressed so the boy had to try hard not to lose his nerve.
.lucius glanced at Harry at the tone and now he registered the look and the expression on his face became loving.
'Well, finally', it went through the other minds.
The blonde carefully straightened some of the boy's hair.
.“Sebastian is a born vampire. It comes from what is now Germany, back then it didn't have that name. He met my family when he moved to England. "
Harry slowly relaxed again.
.'So a vampire, he's definitely not after Lucius. Why did I get so jealous? Is that normal?'
“Wait a minute, he's moved to England? Voluntarily? ”He gushed out.
."I was just about to ask," came a soft, but not mumbled, voice from Alexis.
Lucius' eyes started to twinkle, but with pleasure.
“That's roughly how my grandfather should have reacted. .he even asked Sebastian if his fang had bored into his brain. "
Against their will, the whole group burst out laughing, even if they tried again not to be too loud.
"Damn it, those over there are already giving us a punishing look. .what have we done wrong now? ”Harry wanted to know.
"They're Redlods, so we made fun of them for sure," Sirius grumbled cynically.
"It's getting silly," Marino scolded.
"However. .why haven't they all been put in the mongoose yet? ”Harry grumbled.
"Lack of space. Let's get Mr. Hochstein and sit down, "suggested Severus.

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