A birthday present to run away from

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Harry and Snape were still staring at each other.
Had that thing just growled?
Blacky had come closer to carefully sniff the package. but he jumped back in shock when he was also growled at.
"Potter, why is Hagrid sending you a package?"
"Because it's my birthday today."
Harry held up the card for clarity.

Right, today was the 31stJuly, he had completely forgotten that in his anger. The boy turned thirteen today. Hard to believe when you look at him like that. Severus could have sworn that Potter had grown next to nothing since his first year at Hogwarts. and by then he was already shorter than any of his classmates. Severus wondered why that was. James and Lily were both very tall. Was that a side effect of the killing curse?
but he could worry about that another time. Now something else was important.

"Good, another question. Why is Hagrid sending you a 'growling' package? "
Harry grinned mischievously at his teacher.
"Because he's Hagrid."
Great. what logic. And worst of all, the boy was right about that too. Such an action was really typical of the idiot.
Severus liked Hagrid, but sometimes he wanted to give him an intelligence-boosting potion. if only those things weren't forbidden.
But back to the topic.

Severus focused again on the strange gift in Potter's hand. The boy was just about to open it carefully. Curiously watched by the mutt.
,Moment! What?'
"Potter, what's the point? You don't know what's in there, please let me do it. "
Harry had already loosened the cord when he looked at his teacher in confusion.
"But Hagrid would never send me anything dangerous. with the exception of his homemade cakes and cookies, perhaps. "
Severus didn't know whether to roll his eyes or laugh. Potter was somehow right about both. Unfortunately, he had already 'enjoyed' Hagrid's cooking skills, anyway.
"Give me Potter. Afterwards it's my fault if you hurt yourself. "
Reluctantly, the boy handed him the package. And his stupid dog growled too. the owl, on the other hand, just watched with interest.

Severus carefully removed the paper. There was a box underneath.
"Looks like the guy really sent you something living."
The Potions Master slowly took the lid off the box. At first nothing happened and Severus wanted to take a deep breath. In the next moment, however, he was jumped.
Whatever it was, it had teeth. The teacher quickly dodged them.
behind him he heard loud growling. Then followed barking. And then a wild dog raced past him.
"What, at Morgana, was that?"
Harry looked at Snape completely speechless and with his mouth open. He had seen what it was. but somehow he couldn't believe it.
"A book."
"How was it?"
"It's a book."
"Potter, books don't bite."
"Ron would contradict you," the boy smirked.
"Please spare me your jokes."
Harry pouted. 'Typical Slytherin. Humorless people. '
"Anyway, it's definitely a book. And if we don't catch it quickly, Blacky will shred it. "
"Should he?"
Harry glared at his teacher.
"This is a gift from Hagrid, I will certainly not let it be destroyed."
Severus tried to stab the boy with a glare, but again it had no effect at all. The toddler was just too stubborn. he sighed resignedly.
"Call back your monster, I'll take care of your 'gift'."

Harry grinned contentedly.
"Blacky, over here."
The dog immediately broke off the chase and looked at its master in disbelief.
"Come on boy, let the professor chase the book."
That seemed to work. Blacky actually came and sat next to Harry. He looked at the dark man with interest.
Severus could clearly feel the looks on his back. 'Heavens, now I'm being watched by a child and two critters like I'm running after a book.'
Presumably the entire Lion Tower would find out about this number. And if he was unlucky, so did Minerva. and then he could listen to the teasing of that old crow again. The woman didn't give him an opportunity to tease him anyway.
Angrily, he pointed the wand in the corner where the book looked over at them. he was sure it was staring. It was like the 'chest' in the Pratchett novels.
"Accio bite book."
.Behind him he could hear suppressed giggles, but he couldn't concentrate on that as the book came flying towards him. Unfortunately with the book cover wide open.

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