Feather and groove, or dog and cat?

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Never before had the students waited so impatiently for the headmaster's speech. Even the selection ceremony was not celebrated with as much enthusiasm as usual.
everyone wanted to know how the director would behave towards the magical beings. Because since that year the students went around without their protective masks. They no longer needed them, they had the same rights as everyone else.
however, Dumbledore and his people had already started protesting on the day the law was changed. They marched in front of the ministry and demanded their right to hunt. And in pretty drastic terms.
Harry reminded this whole farce of Prince Charles. He had threatened to emigrate if fox hunting should be banned in England.
from the fact that the law had come into force, one could clearly see how popular the man was with the population.
And it wasn't much different for the director.
crouch had simply let all the demonstrators stay in the ministry's dungeons for one night. In addition, they all received a warning for encouraging the murder of innocent citizens.
Harry's fathers had had a fit of laughing when they saw the newspaper.

"Why is he still allowed to be director?" Grumbled Hermione.
"Because he's the best for the job?" Suggested Ron.
George snorted.
"He's a murderer, that's hardly a qualification?"
"Then why is he still sitting up there?" Ginny wanted to know.
Fred sighed.
“For the same reason, the former Death Eaters who weren't spies for our side are still in the Ministry. You have powerful friends and lots of money. In addition, Dumbledore is a very powerful wizard. Our parents always boasted about the latter. "
“What does that have to do with it?” A girl from the second year wanted to know.

“You can see again how urgently we need decent lessons here. actually this knowledge should already be imparted in the first grade. ”Hermione indignantly.
"Then tell us about it." Demanded Dennis Creevey.
Harry grinned and Hermione rammed her elbow in his side for it.
"Child's head," she scolded. "The more magical powers someone has, the more they distribute this magic in the air." She then explained.
"Sounds like every strong wizard suffers from flatulence."
at the comment from Collin even Hermione had to smile.
"There is definitely a lot of shit coming out of the old man's mouth," agreed Ron.
“But I still don't understand what the strong magic of Dumbledore has to do with the fact that he is still Headmaster? Then Harry would be suitable for it too. ”Lavender wanted to know.
“Just don't say that too loudly. otherwise someone will come up with stupid ideas. ”asked the boy.
“You don't spread this magic in the whole magical world but only in your immediate vicinity. and often weaker wizards and witches take that magic into their bodies, strengthening their own by transforming it. Just like plants do with sunlight. Or why do you think Filch is still here at the school? he's hoping to get some of the magic. ”Neville now explained.
"That should really be taught." Now said Dean.
Everyone agreed.
"That's one of the reasons why our white streak is so ensnared." It came from Ron.
"I'm not a skunk." Harry moaned.
"Hey, here we go." Fred interrupted his friends.
Everyone turned their gaze forward.

Harry glanced at the other tables. Draco and his sisters also found it hard to control their curiosity. but Harry had already noticed that on the train.
Luna was also very excited. There was nothing to be seen of the absent expression on her face.
Then the green-eyed man looked forward again.
His fathers were clearly more than annoyed. but it was not clear whether it was because of the old man or the woman in pink.
However, most of the teachers looked very unhappy at the woman.
'That can only be cheerful. I hope she doesn't get on too much with Dumbledore. please let them hate you. ’pleaded the boy.

Dumbledore had finally stepped up to the lectern.
You could see from the man exactly that his mood was in the dungeons.
He also gave some students funny looks. since all of them were magical beings, Harry didn't have to think twice about what was going through the old man's mind.
“My dear students, I welcome you all to another year at Hogwarts. the old hands already know the rules, I'll repeat them for the new ones. "
Harry switched off, it would take a while before the guy finally got to the heart of the matter.
"Coward." Neville chuckled.
The rest also agreed. It couldn't have been said any better.
The director babbled about ten minutes until he finally got to the important issues.

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora