Not a boring celebration?

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Harry looked restlessly around the Ministry's large ballroom. The whole room was lavishly decorated and shone in full splendor. Actually very pretty, if only there weren't so many people in it.
."You don't need to be nervous, you can do anything," Severus reassured him.
"Especially since you've reread all the chapters in the book," said Sirius.
“Not all of them, only those that explain how to behave at parties. .but I'm not nervous about that, just annoyed, "Harry replied quietly.
"Then what is bothering you?" Severus wanted to know.
“I'm looking for our friends, but you can't find your way around this crowd. .or is it because I'm too small? "
"Quite possible, I just saw some red heads, unfortunately accompanied by their parents," Sirius grumbled.
"I thought they weren't invited to such events?"
Severus nodded.
.“Usually not, but the Ministry's New Year's Eve ball is actually a party for the employees of the house. The fact that foreign politicians and business people were invited this year is an exception. "
.“And that's probably exactly why Arthur and Molly came. You want to make yourself popular with the guests, ”Sirius sighed.
“Great, hopefully there is no incident. .I don't care about my parents, but my friends would suffer. "
The two adults agreed with their son.
"Is it still a normal ball or will it become an official stage?" Harry then asked, startled.
.“No, this evening is only for entertainment, the minister has already told us that. He doesn't want to see anyone who doesn't eat with the stick hand, ”Sirius reassured his child.
."Oh, well, I still can't eat that well with my left hand," the boy confessed.
"You're still learning that," smirked Severus.

"Good evening Harry, you look gorgeous. The cloak looks great on you. "
.the green-eyed man turned and looked directly into the friendly face of Ariel Greengrass.
“Good evening, Mrs. Greengrass. Thank you for the compliment, of course I can't even come close to keeping up with your looks. .they look lovely, ”Harry greeted the lady.
“What a charming young man you are. Thank you very much for the kind words. Your fathers really did a great job raising you. .you both look great too, by the way. The clasps on your cloaks match your wedding rings. "
“That was intentional. And like Harry, we can only return the kind words. You look really beautiful. .your husband must be very proud to have such a beautiful wife, "Severus said gallantly.
“Thank you, dear, now I know where Harry got his charm from. My husband and Draco are trying to keep some young men away from the girls. "
."Hopefully Draco isn't exaggerating," Harry mused.
“No, of course not, this time I will have to worry more about the reaction of my daughters. They weren't that enthusiastic about the rapprochement between these guys. .each only has eyes for her partner. Oh, there they come.
Did you let the young men live? ”Ariel wanted to know.
“But only because we didn't want to make a scene. What insolence, ”Astoria grumbled.
.“These idiots know very well that we are both already taken. You are in the seventh year. Just because Colin and Dennis aren't here today doesn't mean we'll be looking for a replacement, ”Daphne growled.
."We're not that dissolute," Astoria grumbled again.

Only now did the rest of the Greengrass discover the Snape Black family. And immediately the big greeting started.
"Are you all wearing them?" Harry wanted to know at the end.
.“I did, it wasn't going well with my sisters. Would look stupid with the clothes. "
“We have them in our evening bags. Mama just increased the capacity, ”said Daphne.
"What is it about?" Asked Antonius.
.“Each of us got socks from Dobby for Christmas. We decided to wear them today, ”Harry explained.
"Even we carry ours," Severus grinned.
"For real? I'd love to see that, ”Ariel chuckled.
.Sirius and Severus positioned themselves so that the evening party couldn't see them clearly, then they both lifted their pant legs a little. Harry and Draco also participated. Each of them wore two different colored socks.
.suddenly two Dobby socks were visible.
Immediately everyone looked up and saw the amused face of Lucius Malfoy.
"Is there a reason why you all show your presents from Dobby?" He wanted to know after a greeting.
."Mom wanted to see it," Astoria grinned.
"You also got some?", Astonished Antonius.
“I always get some. Both for my birthday and for midwinter. .Besides, Harry wrote me in his last letter that everyone would wear them today, I couldn't stand back, ”he admitted.
Sirius had a hard time suppressing his laughter.
.“Others have a secret handshake, a ring or some other sign, we have our socks to encourage each other. Nobody believes us. "
“And that's exactly why I made the suggestion. .dobby will be happy when he hears it, "said Harry now.
"Will Ron and his siblings wear them too?" Daphne wondered now.
"I'm sure of that," Draco said, convinced.

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