An evening with friends

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Harry really tried to concentrate on his book, but the adorable werewolf didn't make it easy for him. Severus noticed that too, of course.
"There is a problem?"
Harry glared at the man.
"Yes, I'm sitting on one."
Unfortunately, the statement seemed to amuse the rest of the crowd.
“That's not funny at all! How would you feel if a complete stranger suddenly pulls you onto his lap and grabs you? "
"Harry, Moony is no stranger," Sirius reminded him.
"For me it is. Believe it or not, amazingly I cannot remember my birth. That's why I don't know that he gave birth to me. with that he pointed backwards.
The werewolf, however, began to growl and pushed the boy closer again. He gasped slightly.

"He's also taking my breath away."
“Lupine, don't be so rude. Harry is too skinny for big hugs. "
the werewolf growled at Severus' hint, but he relaxed his hug.
"Thank you professor."
"Never mind. I hope he'll be back soon. "
The boy could only agree with that.

"I found something interesting here," said Hermione. That, of course, got her all the attention. Just not the one from the cuddly wolf.
"What?" Asked Ron.
“Professor Quirrell found that some pure-blood families lack the ability to experience fear. At least not completely. "
Sirius nodded.
“We already know that. My family is one of them. "
Hermione looked at the man.
“But that can't be entirely true. A person cannot survive without fear. It keeps us from jumping off cliffs or drinking poison. But not only that, if you don't know fear, other feelings also wither. so pity or sadness. You don't worry about others. "
That got everyone thinking. And now everyone was looking at the only Black in the room.

"What?" Wanted to know.
Severus rolled his eyes.
"Is it true what Ms. Granger says? are you really missing these sensations? "
Sirius shook his head.
“No, if I weren't worried about others, I wouldn't have made the proposal with the secret keeper back then. And believe me, I can feel sadness. When I think about it like that, I have only one problem with seeing dangers as such. "
"Can you explain that in more detail?" Harry wanted to know.
"Yeah, well, back when I played that stupid prank on Snape, for example. if I remember correctly then I didn't think that it would be dangerous for him to face a wild werewolf. I only came to the conclusion when your father pointed it out to me. I could only think of what kind of stupid face Severus would make if he suddenly stood in front of a furry Remus. "

Collective head shaking was the result.
"So, was my face worth the prank?"
immediately a guilty look fell on the refugee's face.
"No, of course not, when James took me to prayer, I suddenly only had your tattered body in front of my mind's eye. I blamed myself and worried. I'm really sorry."
Severus would never have thought that this would be possible, but with the face that made his counterpart he could no longer be angry with him. Somehow the man looked so sad and lonely.
"We have decided to bury our past, so I forgive you for this stupidity."
Sirius ’glow was almost too much for the black mage.

“That is exactly what is explained here in Quirrell's book. it is not fear that people lack, but the right perception. Apparently you have to learn that first. "
Hermione was leaning over the book again.
“Why did this Quirrell do research on my family? I thought he wanted to get to the bottom of the secret of black magic. "
Hermione nodded.
“But that's exactly what he did. That your and other families are not able to feel real fear was the result of a spell. actually magicians were 'bred' in this way who were intended solely for the protection of the authorities. By the way, it is a white magic spell. "
Harry leaned forward as far as Remus let him.
"How is that supposed to work? fear has something to do with the mind and to play with this sensation one would have to use black magic. "
Hermione nodded again.

“That's exactly why it didn't work properly. the goal was actually to create wizards who were not afraid of an opponent or other danger. Their sole purpose should be to protect their 'masters'. but because of the disturbed perception, they were often unable to recognize dangers as such. Of course, because of this, many died who should have been protected. That is why the spell was no longer used. unfortunately the effect wasn't limited to one person. The 'ability' not to feel fear was inherited. And now some families have these disturbed sensations. "
“Great. When was the spell developed? I cannot imagine that my family would have voluntarily given their children into this serfdom. "
"That's right, the spell was developed back in the days of slavery."
“Wow,” commented Ron, “it's been banned for over 2000 years. Quirrell must have rolled through a lot of scripts to get this information. "
The rest nodded in agreement.
Harry looked a little sad.
"What is little one?"

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