It makes bones shiver with fear

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Severus had a lot of experience tracking down students. Very few strays had escaped him in his years as a teacher. harry had escaped him again and again because of his invisibility cloak, but he didn't have it with him now.
The teacher also knew exactly where the teenagers would be.
And that's right, they were all standing by the lake and throwing stones into the water.
as he got closer, Severus saw very clearly that the mood wasn't exactly the best.
"You'd think you'd all been forced to drink cod liver oil."
The children turned around, startled.
"Hey, Dad," Harry muttered.
'Well, that's a greeting, not so enthusiastic.'
The teacher did not hesitate and took his son in his arms.
"Cheer up, Sirius and Lucius will take care of this article. presumably the newspaper will soon no longer stand. At least not when your mad father has finished with the reporters. "
Harry tried a smile, but failed greatly.
“I'm not worried about that at all. I just hope Siri isn't exaggerating. No, what upsets me is that the old man did it again. The guy has been making decisions about me and my life for years. He doesn't even feel guilty about it. and now he's also pulling in the population. What do you think what kind of fear this shitty article caused? "
Severus gave his son a stern look.
"No curses, and certainly not in front of a small child."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to," the boy mumbled.

“Harry isn't that far from the truth, though. Or actually, he hit the nail on the head. And the old man said it himself, he doesn't allow Skunk a life of its own. "
Harry glared at Draco.
"Stop calling me a skunk, you might think I wouldn't wash myself."
His friends started laughing.
"I think the animals are cute," said Gabrielle.
"I feel the same way," Luna gave her support.
"I'm a hangover," Harry protested.
"But you've never shown us that before." Astoria folded her arms in a huff.
Severus quickly looked around in all directions.
"Quiet," he warned.
The girl immediately covered her mouth with her hand.
"Can you teach us?" Daphne wanted to know from her head of house.
He just raised an eyebrow.
"Don't you think you'll all have enough to do this year?"
These words caused a bad mood again.
"She's exaggerating," grumbled Ron.
“An E everywhere, that's not feasible. only the students who have signed up for fortune telling will not be able to do it. Not with the teacher, ”Hermione pointed out.
"Elective courses are graded, but they are exempt from this rule."
the Potions Master's words only reassured the students to a limited extent.

Severus could understand the children, the grading had also been a topic in the staff room. These specifications were simply not feasible. Everyone had a weakness somewhere. he saw it in his own son. Harry tried hard to brew really good potions. And all of them could be used, but rarely went up to an E. Most of the time he had to give the boy an A. he only got a better rating for the essays, but that wouldn't help him with the OWDs.
And Longbottom was one of those cases. The boy was a danger to every cauldron at times. severus doubted that this student would ever become a lamp in this field of magic. He was already struggling a lot.
And so it was with all students, everyone had some subject that caused problems, sometimes several. even Ms. Granger was no exception. With her it was the defense and care of magical creatures.
Then there was another subject in which EVERY student was only able to get an A with great difficulty. That was history. no wonder, even a table could teach better than Binns.
The jailer looked at his desperate students.
"And that after the first week of school," he sighed.

Gabriel could no longer look at the desperate faces of her friends.
"Hey, how about you all come and see me after class today? I wanted to show Harry my animals anyway, that's sure to be fun. and, Ron, I have no spiders. "
The boy was really relieved.
“What do you find in these critters? They have too many legs and eyes. I don't even want to start with the hair. "
the girl giggled, she thought it was funny that such a big boy was so afraid of small animals.
“We are very happy to come, but we still have care beforehand. I'm curious what Hagrid comes back with today. maybe another animal that will bite his butt? ”Draco grinned happily at the group.
"Regardless of what it is, be sure to take good care," came from Severus again.
The students nodded very politely.
"If not, are you going to scold us in your behavior class?" Harry wanted to know.
"No, you cheeky brat, I'll have you write essays and put you in the corner."
"You wouldn't really do that?Neville wanted to know in a panic.
Severus' diabolical grin more than clearly answered the question.
"Harry, how could you sleep peacefully on vacation when you knew that the professor is right in the next room?it came from Luna.
The young Animagus burst out laughing.
“My room is on a different floor. Dad is actually very nice, but you shouldn't irritate him, ”he explained to the girl.
the students looked up at their teacher again.
"Good to know," Daphne muttered.
Severus had to hold back a smile. When he married Sirius and adopted Harry as a son, he thought his reputation was ruined. but that was not the case, he could still put the students to flight with just one look. However, it meant that the children admired his son even more. simply because they couldn't imagine how one could live with Sirius Black and Severus Snape without going insane.
"Come on, now, don't be late. umbridge wants to test Hagrid for his suitability as a teacher today. So don't shame him, otherwise she'll replace him in the end. "
Of course, nobody wanted that, especially Gabrielle looked frightened. Harry's rather darkened.
"It should sweep in front of your own door," he grumbled.
"Please, Harry, don't mess with her. Try to control your temper, "Severus admonished.
"But only because I don't want them to confuse them any more."
Harry didn't mind that he sounded very childish again.

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