She needs behavior lessons herself

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Curious and also a little nervous, the fifth year sat in the first lesson they had with Umbridge.

.When the timetables were distributed earlier in the week, many students were reminded of Hermione's third year. Only that they couldn't use a time turner. however, the plans were full of additional lessons up to now.
There was also a study and homework lesson every evening from seven to eight o'clock. at the time, all students had to be in either the great hall or the library to do their chores. Or just learn. Presence was a must. You were only allowed to stay away if you were sick.
Hermine was one of the few who found this rule great.
They had also noticed that this year they had every subject with the Slytherins.
"Why is that?" Draco wanted to know.
"Probably the old man is trying to rekindle the house squabble." Harry grumbled.
"Then it will be a pleasure to thwart him." It came from Astoria.
"Like you've ever argued with someone from another house." Her sister giggled.
"No, just me and big brothers don't count." Draco laughed.

And so they sat here now and waited for their teacher.
"Have you already heard the horror stories from her?" Goyle wanted to know.
Neville shot him a questioning look.
"Do you mean because of her voice, her clothes, her poor teaching, or her hostility towards the magical beings?"
The beefy boy scratched his head in embarrassment.
“You can choose something. the teachers in the subject get worse every year.
But Milli and I probably have very bad cards this year. We're both descended from trolls, after all. ”He interjected.
Hermione put a hand on his shoulder.
“Don't worry, we stand by you. Nobody gets our friends down. "
Immediately the Slytherin went bright red and stuttered a few words of thanks.
Ron almost bit his cheek. he wasn't jealous, he found the boy's behavior kind of funny.
"Have you been able to speak to Fleur yet?" Draco changed the subject, looking at Harry.
The blonde wanted to know if the curse breakers had discovered anything yet.
“I talk to her every day, Gabrielle is always with us now, so Fleur always comes to our table. But they haven't found out that much yet. You first have to orientate yourself to the school.
the only thing they know so far is that the school definitely has a life of its own. At least up to a point. The walls seem to enjoy either playing pranks on the curse breakers or helping them. that's why our Veela borrowed Oscar from me today. She wants to see if the spells are similar. Gabrielles Schnapp-Zu should also help. "
"Those are interesting solutions." Pansy laughed.
Harry grinned back.

it has been very pleasant at school since last year. At least the way the houses interact with one another. The tournament and the thing with the Dementors had welded the students together very much.
meanwhile the children even helped each other with learning.
"What are you thinking about?" Dean wanted to know.
"Oh, only that I am of the opinion that the founders had exactly such a school in mind when they decided to found one."
“You mean our cohesion, not certain teachers?” Theodore wanted to know.
That made the whole class laugh.
And that's where Umbridge came in.

“It looks like I got caught in a chicken pile, not a class. Mrgreengrass, will you let me laugh with you, please? ”demanded the woman in her squeaky voice.
The boy would have loved to say no. But, he was well brought up. At least for a year.
“Of course, Professor. we are just happy about our new community. ”he explained frankly.
The teacher looked around, a little confused.
"Ah yes, interesting. Well, then put the wands away now, I'll hand out the textbook for this year in a moment. she announced.
Hermione's hand shot up immediately.
"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Asked the woman, exasperated.
“Excuse me, Professor, but we already have the books. They were on our list. "
now the woman began to grin underhandedly.
“Your director thought this book was appropriate. He thought you would soon have to defend yourself against Death Eaters and the Nameless. Since both Mrfudge and I think that's nonsense, we changed the curriculum for this year. "
With a spell she distributed the books around the class.
After a short look, a groan went through the classroom.
"What is there to complain about?the woman wanted to know sharply.
This time Daphne held up a hand. It was also taken immediately.
"It's about the title, 'Defense, and why you'll never need it." "
"Yes what's up with it? since there is no dark lord to fear, you do not need to defend yourself. "
"No, but we still have to pass our OWLs." Hermione wailed.
"Ms. Granger, I don't believe in unsolicited calls from students. five point deduction for Gryffindor. And as for the other. You will still learn the active sayings you will need for your exams. We'll do it a week before your OWDs. ”The woman promised.
only those words didn't exactly calm the class.

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora